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Saturday, August 30, 2008


Last night was a bit difficult. We are trying to get Cammie to sleep in her crib without being in the bouncy seat and she kept waking up but would fall back to sleep. She drank 8 ounces of formula before bed. Today someone put her in her cranky pants. Joe went into work overtime for 24 hours and this morning I thought I had it made when Cammie and I took a good nap. Then she woke up and every time I tried to put her down she screamed. I kept changing and feeding her but it didn't help. Sharon saved me by coming over and holding her while I got in the shower and then she kept me company for a bit and then I went to her house and had dinner with her and Ken and Becca. She was quite the lifesaver. Now my little screaming beauty is smiling at me while trying to keep heavy eyes open (after drinking 8 ounces again). I think tonight we will sleep in the bouncy again and we'll try just the crib when daddy will be home!! I know I'm a chicken....

Friday, August 29, 2008

Rainy blah day

Not much going on today. Joe had off so he got some daddy time with Cammie. It's been rainy and gross all day. We were going to go to the outlets but it's been misty. Hopefully we will be able to do something this weekend although we'll be trapped on the eastern shore because of stupid bridge traffic. We did take Cammie and the dogs for a short walk in between rains. Cammie fell asleep and then took a nice nap. yay! She rolled over again today so that daddy could see her and she has been smiling away. Such a CUTIE!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not much going on

Yesterday and today have been mostly uneventful. Cammie and I have both had crying fits, mine start when she won't stop. It's not bad just challenging trying to find out why she is crying. I think it's mostly frustration that I don't know what she wants! :o) She is smiling more and more and when we kiss her cheek she tries to suck on your nose. Really, it's cute. She rolled over from her back to her stomach today. I was much more excited than she was about it. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this being a mom thing. I would have to say that it is the most challenging job that I've ever had although some of the people I have worked with in the past have been more infantlike than Cammie. She's napping right now so I'm about to try to get one in myself.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Busy day today

What a day. Cammie had a good night last night. Joe took off today because the guy came to put up our new fence. Anyone who has been to our house recently would agree that we needed a new one. Our fear was that the dogs have figured out how to open the gate and even though we would bungee the gate, they may be able to figure that out as well. I still think that they get together and plot against me, we are outnumbered!!! :o) One morning I woke up and they were all staring at me. Anyway, Joe did have to go into work this afternoon for a meeting about his new work schedule. I took Cammie with me to the GI doctor and found out that this month I do have Crohn's Disease. That is subject to change next month as it has every time I have been back to the doctor. At least I can have some tests done now.
The weather was gorgeous today. Joe and I took Cammie and the dogs for a walk earlier and it was so nice. Not looking forward to the mess that is going to happen with the bridge being fouled up for the next ten weeks. Someone ought to kick that girl that caused the accident!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I think all 3 of us (7 if you count the pups) were crying last night. Cammie did not want to go to sleep but when she FINALLY did it was worth it. I accidently woke her up this morning or I think she would have slept much longer. She got up at midnight and then at 430 (my fault) but she was kind enough to let me lie down for an hour or so after that while she laid in her crib and watched her "aquarium" toy. It plays music that is quite relaxing, I find myself watching the light show too. No real excitement yesterday, just hung around the house and tried to get stuff done. Same thing today. We had a crying fit for about an hour or so (mine still last a bit longer) but bribes of trips to Disneyworld seemed to work. yay! We can't wait to take her to our favorite place.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cammie parties on......

Last night was great!! Cammie slept from about 10 til 3ish and then actually went back to sleep until 630. As usual I was awake every hour or so making sure she was still in the crib. :o) She had a really good morning as well. Joe had to get up early to go get his work truck since he is on call this weekend and then he went fishing with Richie. Unfortunately they didn't catch the rockfish that's worth all the money!! This afternoon we went to Cassidy's birthday party and Cammie managed to stay awake for most of the festivities! She got held by Ashley, Kristin and Julie. It was a gorgeous day again today. We left the ac off and it has been so nice.

Friday, August 22, 2008

It seems as though the best way to get people to come visit you is by having a baby! Just kidding. Last night we had our friend's daughter Kristin and her friend come over. (they live a few houses down.) The girls were funny trying to get Cammie to smile and laughing at the faces she made at them. Today my best friend Debbie and her daughter Nicole (who is grown up with a son of her own, I won't give ages to protect the identity of the innocent.......) came over and since it was such a beautiful day we went to lunch at the Jetty. That was the place to be as Olivia (next door) and her mom and daughter Eva were sitting at the table behind us. This afternoon Richie and Alexis stopped by and brought Cammie an appropriate t shirt that said if she doesn't sleep no one else does either! So true. I'm a little afraid for tonight because she did sleep a lot today. Maybe she shouldn't have had all that beer at lunch....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Party Girl

Today was a busy day! Last night Cammie slept pretty well. Up at midnight and 415 or so. She went across the street to stay with Lynn for an hour so I could go to the doctors. He was so nice I am so annoyed that I put up with my ob for the whole pregnancy when I should have switched to this practice!! I kicked myself all the way home. Also my appointment was at 1045 and I was out by 1110. Yea!!
This afternoon we went next door for Becca's fourth birthday party and Cammie slept the whole time. She woke up a few times. She's awake now, gotta go....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Six hour sleepathon

I couldn't believe it, Cammie slept from 9p to 3a last night. Of course I was awake every hour making sure that she was OK. Ugh... She allowed me to nap this morning and for thanks I took her to the trail at Terrapin Beach with Sharon and Becca and we went for a walk. She slept through the entire walk of course but it was a beautiful day! The dogs were a little put out that we went for a walk without them but I promised to make it up to them! I think they forgave me. Cammie is napping again so guess what I'm going to do.... I don't envy working moms, I think I would either fall asleep at work or be so nasty from being tired no one would want to be near me!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally awake for a shopping trip!!!

Today we went to Target with Alice and Cammie stayed awake!! Almost the whole time. She was wide eyed in the store as we tried to get her to pick out the things she wanted Daddy to buy her. I did get freaked out in the doll aisle. I can't stand those realistic looking dolls, cabbage patch ones are about the limit. Even Barbies give me the skeevies. Anyway, we found some neat stuff and noted some neat stuff for next time!! I have a feeling Miss Cammie won't be hurting for things to play with.

Monday August 18th

Wow, today was a tough one. Cammie had a pretty good night but this afternoon she cried for about two hours and I couldn't figure out why. The second hour I was crying with her. Even the dogs were sympathetic. Pudge was sitting next to me either thinking that he wished I could shut off the waterworks or he wished there was something he could do for us. Finally it stopped! and she promptly fell asleep. and so did I....

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday August 17th

We had company again today. Uncle Michael and Aunt Donna came over as well as Captain Fisher and Ms. Fran (who will now be known as Granny Franny). We had a mini cookout and Cammie got to snuggle with everyone and slept most of the time. The dogs were also very excited to have people over and they behaved very well.
Last night (sunday night) was pretty good. Cammie slept fairly well. Poor Joe had to go back to work today. Not much else exciting is happening.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Meeting more people!!

Today started out to be just a quiet day at home. Olivia from next door called and said that they were having a one year birthday party for their beautiful daughter Eva and that we should come over. So Cammie attended her first party! She slept through most of it but everyone got to see her and we had a nice time. Cammie has a busier social life in the past five weeks than we have had in years I think. :o) Time for a nap!!!

Friday the 15th

Another social day today. Cammie's grandparents (regular and great!!) came to visit. First we went to Rustico for lunch. (YUM) and then back to the house for a visit. Last night was another long night of partying with Cammie. She should be worn out by now! She did get a nap after cuddling with everyone for a while. Both her Poppop and Mommom got to feed her and got lots of quality time. AND after dinner and a bath Cammie did sleep for a nice long time. Yea for Joe and I!!!

Thursday, July 14

Today (the 14th) was a looong day. Miss Cammie was a party animal last night and this morning. She did not want to sleep. We hung out with Sharon and Becca in the afternoon and Sharon was able to see Cammie while she was awake and then managed to get her to nap for a short time. Cammie is lucky to have a friend like Becca, Becca is now 4 and got a big girl bed so she is giving her crib to Cammie to use! Of course if Cammie never sleeps again I guess we won't use it much!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Busy Social Day

Yesterday we had lots of company! Cousin Meaghan came over for lunch and hung out with us and so did Cousin Emily. After Meaghan left then Uncle Gary and Uncle Michael came by on their way home from Ocean City. Unfortuneatly Cammie slept through most of their visit but we got to chat for a while and Cammie got some cuddle time with both of her uncles. Had to check to make sure that Uncle Gary was not leaving with Cammie or Clyde!! He's so silly. After dinner Cammie had her first shriek free bath. So I must be doing something right?! She slept pretty well but does enjoy at least a couple hours of night time bonding. Yikes. This morning when I changed her diaper I realized how tired I was when I had been up with her the previous time as it just about fell off. Oops! Luckily a mess was avoided. More visitors due this week and weekend. Looking forward to it!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11, 2008

Today was Cammie's one month check up. She weighs 10 pounds 1 ounce and is 22 inches long. Dr. K was very impressed with how well she is doing and said not to worry about her stomach issues. Cammie got her second HepB vaccination and took it like a champ. Now I know how the moms of all those babies and kids feel when I used to draw blood, start IVs and give immunizations. It's a lot easier when it's not your baby!! I think I did good too! This week we have lots of visitors coming so it should be exciting. Of course the dogs think everyone comes to see them, they settle down pretty quick once the initial excitement wears off. They have done so well with welcoming Cammie into our home.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

August 10, 2008

I can't believe Joe and I have a one month old daughter now! The past month has flown by in a haze of bringing Cammie home, not sleeping much, trying to get feedings straight and trying to see all the people who want to meet Cammie. Joe went back to work last week and left me alone with her but we made out fine. A couple of days slipped by without accomplishing much besides feeding and changing diapers but I did manage to get out a couple of times and take a shower just about every day! (I think...) I love being a mom, it's so funny how your life does change. I thought I was OK with just being a mom to 4 lovable labs but I don't know how we ever managed without having Cammie in our lives. I know I'm biased but she is so gorgeous and sweet. (Pics coming soon!!!) She goes back to the pediatrician for her one month check up tomorrow.

Looking for a Lab?
