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Monday, September 29, 2008

Busy weekend!

Whew, this weekend was busy! You go for weeks without having anything to do and then it all happens in one day or two! Yesterday I wasn't feeling great either, it figures!! Cammie was the social butterfly and she met some family she hadn't been able to see yet. Great Aunt and Uncle Deb and John and cousin Jessica! Plus she got some cuddle time with Mommom and Poppop and her Uncles Gary and Michael (they are Great in all forms of the word!) We also went to Jennifer's baby shower and Cammie got to meet her cousins Jennifer and Erin and Lauren (plus a whole lot of other people including another cute baby, I think her name was Isabella, which is pretty too!). Anyway, when we got home last night our power was out and had been for several hours so the dogs weren't happy. Plus they were a little miffed that we were gone TWO days in a row, even though the petsitters Melissa and Debbie came to play with them and feed them. Such a ruff life. Sorry that was bad I know. Joe is off this week because he is going to OC for a fishing tournament on thursday so we are trying to get stuff done around the house. Cammie is sleeping better at night so all I need to do now is re adjust my sleeping schedule! AND she is eating up a storm! Thank goodness for the rice cereal or we would be carting in Enfamil by the truckload.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


What a social day! We went to a dedication and Cammie met a bunch of people that Daddy works with. She was very smiley and flirty which was cute. Although when one of Daddy's friends was talking to her she started pulling up her dress, which we told her was cute now but not later. Then we went to Donna and Bills for dinner and Paul, Daniel, Joe, Alice, Mike, Meaghan, Rick and Emily were all there. Cammie got lots of attention and fell asleep propped up on the couch. She looked like she was drunk again. We had a yummy dinner and dessert. Cammie has been scarfing up her rice and formula mix, it's like she's been starving.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Rainy Chilly Day

Today it's gross out. Cammie had another good night. This morning I gave her rice cereal in her bottle for the first time since yesterday it seemed like she couldn't get enough to eat (well drink), and she scarfed that right up. Yesterday she gave me a belly laugh for the first time and it was so cute, I had her in my lap and she was talking to me and I rubbed noses with her and she laughed (so sweet!) and then belched in my face (not so sweet but glad it was dry!). We'll work on her dainty manners later. She is a big hit where ever she goes, everyone stops to look at her and say how cute she is. Today though while running errands I dressed her in her "worlds cutest baby" shirt so people wouldn't have to comment. :o) They just know.... The dogs are mad today because it's rainy out but they are being very cuddly.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's been a couple of days and Cammie has had some good nights!! She has been sleeping from about 7 or 8 until 4ish, then staying awake for a little bit and then taking a nap. I, on the other hand, am still waking up for a midnight and two a.m. feeding and not being able to go back to sleep. How very frustrating! We did go to the trail with Sharon and Becca yesterday. Cammie stayed awake but she started yelling at us about halfway through. Not sure why... Daddy got some cuddle time last night with her and they both fell asleep on the couch before bed. You know you can't go to bed tired!! The dogs have been enjoying these nice days, we've been playing lots of frisbee, which entails Max and Bailey chasing the frisbees and you chasing Pudge and Clyde to get theirs. FUN!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cammie slept all night last night, from about 8 until around 5 this morning. Yay! We spent some time outside playing with the dogs and enjoying the day. Until this afternoon.... we came upstairs and just as I walked into the kitchen, she looked at me and turned into the exorcist baby and projectile puked all over me, her and the floor. All I could do was stand there for a minute because I wondered where all the stuff came from!!! She was smiling at me, laughing inside I know. I tried ringing for the maid to come clean this crap up but she must be on permanent break (the house is a mess!). I know that's not funny. Anyway, I called Dr. K because I was like what in the h$!! is going on and they said to bring her in because there is a strep/vomit thing going around. So much to look forward to. She's fine and we won't know for another day or so if she is sick but Dr. K seemed to think it was just an unfortunate incident (I agree completely!). The only thing that would have been more unfortunate is if she had thrown up on Joe because then I would have had to clean up twice the vomit! (I managed to keep mine down thank you very much). Dr. K also implied that Cammie is the most gorgeous baby in the world, well he said she was pretty but I know what that means!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cammie and I went to visit Mommom and Poppop today. Daddy had to work on this gorgeous day. We had a nice lunch and then Cammie got to hang out and visit with her grandparents. It was such a pretty day. When we got home we finished looking at the fisher price catalog and decided what to convince Daddy to buy for Cammie. Of course there is a pink barbie mustang that we love. The only problem is it's for age 3 so I had to tell Cammie she would have to wait! It does hold up to 130 pounds so I have time to lose enough weight to fit in it. :o) It's bath time!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Not a good night last night, Cammie was ready to party all night. So today I thought I would be able to get a nap in but she had other ideas for that. We did go to the outlets for a bit with Emily since it was so gorgeous outside. Then we came home had some lunch and Cammie took a brief nap and then began yelling at me. It was mixed with periods of quiet and cute noises, just enough to mess with my head I'm sure! All in all it was a good day. Tomorrow is Joe's only day off this weekend so hopefully we can have a nice scream free day. I've got my fingers crossed.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yesterday started out really nice, but sometime in the afternoon I think someone snuck into the house and put Cammie's crankypants on. She must have yelled at me for about three hours. Neither one of us were very happy. It got to the point where all the dogs went out and laid in the yard for a little peace and quiet. Chris and Julie stopped in and Cammie cheered up a little bit then.
Today has been nice so far but I am getting nervous about the afternoon! Cammie is definitely a morning person. She's all smiles and coos. She does NOT get that from me. The really cute thing she has started doing (of course everything but the yelling is cute to us!) is looking at the picture of a baby on the wipes container and smiling and babbling to it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cammie and I spent the day recovering from our mini vacation. She has been sleeping better at night and I think she was exhausted from all the fresh air she got and the activity! I know I was. We had a quiet day and now she is napping. She spent most of the morning smiling and making cute baby noises at me. She seems to do that also while you are cleaning her dirty diaper. I guess the cuteness makes up for the grossness? Not for Daddy it doesn't!!! Also had a good day with the dogs, they were outside playing most of the day since it was nice and cool. Now they are also napping. I think I may join them, I need to rest up so I don't go to bed tired!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday at the Beach

What a great time, we went to Ocean City and Cammie had so much fun. We walked on the boardwalk with Donna and Bill and then in the evening we went down to the water. Sporting her new bikini Cammie got her toes dipped in the water with Daddy and after the initial surprise seemed to like it!! We got lots of sun while our little beach bunny smelled like suntan lotion!! I hated to give her a bath except that she smells so good after that as well. We had a lot of fun and Cammie got a bike week onesie (in addition to some other things!) Can't wait to go back and stay longer. Pics coming soon!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Good Day

Cammie slept from about 10 til 5 last night. Yay! She woke up a few times but just laid in her crib playing and making cute baby noises. After breakfast she took a little nap, long enough for me to get some quality time with the pups. Then she spent some time in her playpen by herself and then we both took a nap in the recliner before Daddy got home! The weather is so nice out, I love having the windows open and the dogs love when the slider door is open because they can go in and out and lay on the patio yet still keep an eye on what is going on in the house.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

2 Month Checkup

Any concerns we had about Cammie's weight are done now. She went for her two month check up today and she weighs 11 pounds 11.5 ounces and is 23 1/2 inches long. I'm glad I got the next size up in diapers!! She also got 4 immunizations so she wasn't very happy with Dr. K. He said she is a perfect baby. Well he didn't exactly say that but I know that is what he meant. She cried real tears for the first time! She is sleeping it off now and is glad that she doesn't have to go back until she is 4 months old.


Cammie had a good night last night and then today we went to Easton with Alice and Meaghan. All of us heard Daddy tell Cammie she could have whatever she wanted so we tried to get her to pick out some toys but she appeared to be overwhelmed by the choices. :o) She was very good and several people told her how cute she was and I completely agree.
A damper was put on our outing when we got home and found out that somehow Pudge had gotten out of his locked crate. I'm still not sure how he did it. That in itself wouldn't have been so bad except that he had gotten sick in several places on the floor. YUCK!! Alice was nice enough to help me clean it up and he was fine after that.

Monday, September 8, 2008

We had company again yesterday for dinner, Alice and Mike, Bill and Donna and Meaghan and Rick all came over. Cammie got passed around and socialized with everyone. She managed to stay awake most of the time. Rick fixed our computer. Unfortunately we lost everything we had saved on it, pics etc... but at least it works again. Yay! So I can add more pics of Cammie. I know everyone is as excited as I am.
Last night Cammie slept from about 9 until 630 this morning. I couldn't believe it. Of course I was up checking to make sure she was still asleep and wondering when she was going to wake up. Not much going on today, just hanging out!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Surviving the storm

So far we have made it through tropical storm hanna. It really has only been rainy and windy throughout the day. The wind is picking up now. We just hung out today and watched a House marathon and intervals of the weather channel. I know we are too exciting!!! We've also been trying to get Cammie to go to sleep. She was back to her party animal ways last night but I couldn't sleep so it wasn't too bad. Neither one of us napped today so hopefully tonight will be a good one.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Another good night last night! Today has been ok. Lots of watching the weather channel waiting to hear exactly what Hanna is going to do. Joe is coming home early to take Bailey and Clyde to the vet and then we'll pick up stuff in the yard. It doesn't sound like things will be too bad so I've got my fingers crossed! It also looks like Ike will go to the gulf so hopefully this will be it for this season. Cammie is unconcerned with the whole thing. She has been eating like a little piggie, which is good for her and bad for my poor back. She is smiling so much, and please don't tell me it's gas!!! She is also rolling over in her crib when she wakes up. Too cute!

Thursday Sept 4th

Last night was great, Cammie stayed in bed from about 9 to 4. As usual I woke up at 2 and couldn't go back to sleep. We had a pretty good day. Went for a walk at the trail with Sharon and Becca and Cammie slept through the whole thing. I must not be very good company!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We tried the shopping thing again today. Lynn went with us and Cammie seemed to enjoy herself and all of the attention she got. She got to meet our friend Angel and her daughter who works in the Carters store. YAY. We did some shopping in there of course. An elderly couple stopped to say how cute Cammie was and she showed her thanks by giving them a loud belch and then a cute smile. What a way to win friends!! It was a gorgeous day and we had a lot of fun and luckily I didn't do too much damage shopping so I will be able to go out with Lynn again!! :o) More pictures coming soon I promise!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's only lunch time and I'm beat already! We had a nice weekend. Didn't do much except stuff around the house. Joe needed a day or so to recover from his shift from hell on Saturday. He knew it would be bad when he started out the shift with a working fire. Yikes! Today I took Cammie with me to my doctors appointment and I planned on going to the outlets afterwards so we could do a little shopping/walking/bonding. I made it into the Carters store and Cammie started screaming!! How can my little girl not like to shop???? I left after that and she fell asleep in the car and has been asleep since. It was really funny last night, she slept in her crib without the bouncy for the second night in a row, but she managed to turn herself all the way around so that her feet were where her head had been. I'm kind of sorry I missed that!!
Not much else is going on.

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