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Sunday, February 28, 2010

A terrifying night last night.....

Well we had a nice day yesterday, if you don't count the endless driving around Arundel Mills. We got sushi for dinner and Cammie went to sleep relatively easily. We were all sleeping (all 2 and 4 legged family members) when the smoke detector went off. It's gone off a couple of times due to dust in our little heater but this time you could smell smoke. Cammie was still asleep so Joe ran downstairs and I started opening windows. When he turned the light on you could see how thick the smoke was. I was handling things OK until I went down the steps and he yelled to get Cammie out of the house, he had put the dogs outside when they ran down the steps with him. I grabbed a blanket and her and ran next door to Sharon and Ken's. Ken went over to help Joe and Sharon said when he opened the front door you could smoke pour out. Joe said later when he did something with the wood stove the wax caught on fire and that's when he got worried. We stayed next door until everything was under control. Most of the smell is gone, which once the smoke was all out of the house was really only the candle smell. Since there wasn't really a fire, there isn't any soot which is good. So we've just been trying to recover today. My nerves are still a little iffy. Cammie handled being snatched out of her bed and ran outside very well. She didn't cry or anything. We are all fine!! Just have a few items to get on our must buy list and we won't be putting candles on the wood stove again. Check your smoke detectors though!!! Ours definitely saved us because I'm not kidding, the house was full of smoke and it was only getting worse.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Trying not to blow away!!!

It's been really windy but so far no snow other than a few flurries. For not accomplishing very much the past few days they have gone by pretty quickly. We had lots of fun at the Playzone on Tuesday however my back has been killing me even more since then!! Wednesday Cammie and I just hung out at home, on Thursday we were supposed to meet Meaghan and go to Target and to lunch. I didn't feel very well on Thursday morning so we rescheduled for next week. I told Cammie that we weren't going to see Meaghan until next week and she got a little fussy but apparently it bothered her more than I thought. I found out later that she called and left a voicemail for Alice right after that. She has the cell phone down! Thursday afternoon after a long nap my friend Jennifer the realtor invited us to come over again so Cammie and Maria could play and we could go through some clothes that a friend of hers had given her. So anyway, we came home with a huge box of clothes for spring and summer!
Last night Cammie not only got herself out of her bed and came into our room but she climbed up on the ottoman and into bed with us! She laid right down on Pudge and went back to sleep. She did her screaming thing though towards morning. We aren't big fans of that. Today Joe was off and he and Cammie stayed home this morning while I ran a couple of errands and went to the chiropractor who I didn't like. When I got home we left to go across the bridge to Trader Joe's. Neither of us had been there before and we really didn't find anything we were interested in but it was really crowded. We left there and went to Red Robin for a late lunch and then walked into the mall to go to Stride Rite to get Miss Thing's feet measured. She is already up to a size 7 wide!! Yikes!! Now we've just been hanging out playing with a new set of Legos and watching TV. Joe is taking a nap so he can watch Diner's Drive Ins and Dives later!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sliding down the slide like a big girl!

Yesterday Cammie and I met Mollie and Brady at the Ultimate Playzone. That place is insane!! I like it and Cammie has fun but I think next time Joe needs to go. I am in agony from having to help her up all the slides etc. She can get in the moonbounce by herself but she can't manage the steps on the slides yet. She tries though. At one point I got her to the top and kind of heaved her onto the little landing then tried to get myself up there, by the time I did she was down the slide and ready to go back up the steps again. Sigh..... I figured she would sleep all the way home but she waited until we got off the bridge and dozed off promptly waking up when I pulled into the driveway and then I couldn't get her back to sleep. So she got kind of nasty after dinner so we laid down around 6 and she just crashed. She did wake up later around 9 or so and I brought her in bed with us and she watched TV for a while and then I fell asleep so I have no idea what she did. She woke up early this morning and is now napping in her bed! We unplugged the monitor sensor pad so hopefully when she wakes up and gets up she won't get scared because it won't make that loud beeping noise anymore. Well my back is killing me and we are supposed to get more snow. Lovely!

Monday, February 22, 2010

AWWW Elmo!!

Yesterday we went to Ellicott City to pick up some of the recycled firewood blocks. When we got home Alice came over to hang out for a while. We took Cammie for a walk and she had more fun stomping in the puddles. Cammie missed her nap also since she didn't want to sleep in the car so she was out by 630 I guess. I got to relax for a while. She did wake up a couple of times and I got her back to sleep and in her bed so that was nice. I got to watch The Amazing Race and Undercover Boss. This morning we went to Tot Time and Cammie got to play with Maria and Brendan and Trevor. I got to chat with Amy and Jenn. Jenn brought Cammie a few dresses that Maria has an overabundance of and they are so cute!!! And I must have either looked pitiful or still had my bitchy pants on because Amy gave me a candy bar! I'm not hard to please!! We stopped at the library on the way home and then ate some lunch and then Cammie crashed. She didn't sleep as long as I thought she would but hopefully that means she will go to bed earlier tonight!! She does really good getting out of her bed during the night and she comes out in the hallway. I think I do need to get a nightlight for our room because I think she is afraid to walk in there. I do put the gate up right at the end of the hallway and close the office door so she can't go anywhere but in her room or ours.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Still Rockin' the Giraffe Boots!!

Everyone who sees the boots wants a pair also!! A guy we saw at the vets wanted to know if they came in a men's 12. If they don't make them in grown up sizes they need to because I could have sold about fifty pairs by now!!
Last night was kind of rough. I finally got Cammie to sleep in her bed and the dogs woke her up. By then I was frustrated and just left her in bed with us where she thrashed around all night. When we got up this morning I realized that someone peed in the bed. With all her thrashing she loosened her diaper and it leaked. UGH!! We were going to wash the sheets today anyway but still!!! Since we got up early Cammie took an early nap but she did it in her own bed which was nice. She got herself out of bed when she woke up too. She has been yawning and rubbing her eyes for a while now so I am hoping that I can put her in the tub and then she'll fall asleep!! I'm so tired too!!! Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bistro dining now available at Cammie's!!

Yesterday we had a fun play date at Jennifer's with Maria who is exactly one day older than Cammie. And they live on the next court up! Jennifer and I were saying that it was a shame we didn't meet while we were pregnant so we could have had a preggo buddy to share the joy/misery. :o) Anyway, Cammie had lots of fun playing with Maria's toys and they have that neat little roller coaster thing that she thought was COOL!! Last night it took a while for Miss Thing to fall asleep but once she finally did and I got her in her own bed she stayed there until almost 3!!! I couldn't believe it!! As fate would have it, I had a terrible time sleeping and had dozed off probably a little before she woke up. She got up and came out into the hallway all by herself!! Then she got some cuddle time with Daddy before he had to get up to go to work. I know he enjoyed that!!! Anyway, we were going to meet Amy this morning but she had a change of plans so I think I'm going to try to take the Wild Woman somewhere after she wakes up from her nap so she can burn off some energy!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

YAY!! It's a big girl bed!!!

Once again last night Joe found that the phrase "some assembly required" is horribly misleading. He did manage to get the new bed together and once Cammie finally fell asleep I put her in it and she stayed there til about midnight. When I went in to get her she was standing beside it. I think she likes that she can get in and out of it. Still not much has been going on. Joe was off Monday and I took Cammie to Tot Time and then he picked her up and I went to the grocery store. We didn't do a lot yesterday because it was really cold and windy outside. Today we are getting ready to go across the bridge since I have a doctors appointment at Pain Management. My NP was seeing patients at the new medical building over here but not anymore so we have to go back to Annapolis. UGH!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!

How can you resist that smile???

The days really keep getting away from me!!! Not a whole lot has been going on. Yesterday we went out for a bit to run some errands and we were going to go to the outlets and they were closed. We found out later that the Nike roof caved in so they were checking the whole place. Going to go back up today and see if they are open. After our failed trip yesterday we decided to stop in at Rams Head and grab and appetizer and watch the end of the Maryland/Duke game. Sadly Duke won, but we had a nice time, played some Keno and hung out with the party animal!! and ate some yummy food!! Hope everyone is having a nice weekend and staying warm!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cammie and Kristen- This is the last snow picture!!

I am now in denial about the snow. I have had enough!!! Cammie and I went out to play for a little bit today and I think she likes jumping in the puddles more than playing in the snow. I wonder where it is all going to go when it melts though! Joe is working OT tomorrow. :o( but he still has a 3 day weekend after that. Although I am pretty pissed that he was supposed to start shift work on Monday and now that isn't happening. He's isn't happy about it either. It would have made things a lot easier on us!! Anyway, going to try to get the Wild Woman to settle down and then it's Survivor Thursday!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still being fabulous!!!

So Cammie has pretty much vetoed the crib except for brief stints in where she will watch a movie long enough for me to take a quick shower. Her new bed should be here soon and hopefully she will like that!! This morning Amy brought Brendan and Trevor over and we walked down into the court and then came back to the house and they all played for a little while. It seemed like they had a good time. Cammie ate lunch after they left and fell asleep! I'll have to take her out when she wakes up since the snow seems to wear her out well. We'll probably be trapped in the house all day tomorrow. I'll have to check the weather reports again. UGH!! Joe went to the grocery store to get a couple of things when he got home last night and he said it was crazy in there.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Subtle hints that someone wants to go outside!!

I could barely keep Cammie up til 630 last night, she was so tired from all her playtime. Of course she was up at the butt crack of dawn this morning. So we have done a lot of playing today, in and outside. Joe went to work this morning but came home a little early to get some stuff done before we get what is hopefully the season finale of snow. UGH!! Different weather reports say different amounts so we'll see. I guess we'll get out sometime in the spring!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Just living the glamourous life!!!

The past few days have gotten away from me again!! Friday it started snowing mid afternoon and Joe ended up working OT on top of his regular day shift. It snowed all through Friday night and finally stopped just before dark on Saturday, well just before sunset because the sun actually came out for a few minutes. It appears as though we got about two feet of snow. Lots of pics on facebook if anyone is interested!! Cammie loves the snow and cries when she has to come in. We didn't do a whole lot on Friday. I have to give my movie opinion though, I watched Confessions of a Shopaholic and the book was a LOT better. Movie wasn't bad but I wouldn't watch it again, but I would read the book again. We had a bit of a rough night Friday night and were really looking forward to Joe coming home on Saturday morning. Well that stretched into him not getting home until about 7 on Saturday night. He had to park his truck in the neighbors driveway. The dogs have only been able to forge a small path through parts of the yard since the snow is so high and heavy. They do look funny when they try to jump into new sections. It's really hard on Bailey's hips and Clyde's leg though so we try to keep the activity to a minimum. Today Joe did a TON of shoveling. We went out front and kept him company for a little while when Ashley and Kristen came over to play with Cammie. We also chatted with Olivia and Eva and Tina and Abbie. Ken, Sharon and Becca also came by for a bit too. So Cammie is now sleeping, Joe is soaking and I am ready for bed. We made it through this snowstorm only to be told that more snow is possibly coming.... So NOT happy about that. Thank goodness for the wood stove, the heat has barely run at all and the house has been quite toasty downstairs and comfortable upstairs. I feel so badly for all those people whose electricity went out. I don't know if the new lines they ran helped us or the fact that we don't have overhead lines. Stay warm everyone and most of all stay safe!!!

Loving the snow!!! (At least someone does!!!)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Quick update.... Cammie is getting better, Joe seems to be getting sick again, I don't feel too hot and it's freaking snowing a blizzard. AGAIN!!! To be continued....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Booty shaking fun!!

I know I have been very neglectful the past few days. But they have been really quite boring!! Cammie is sort of sick again with a cough and a really runny nose and I've been keeping her home so we don't infect or become worse infected. So I am going slightly stir crazy. The snow isn't helping either and with more fore casted for the weekend I may go completely insane. We did order Cammie a toddler bed so soon she will be out of the crib!! She has developed a real knack for climbing which is fun for us. She will use just about anything as a step too, including the sit and spin shown in the picture. She also discovered the phone jack in her room and somehow got the cover off of it and disabled our phone service for a day. Sighhhhhh. So I've been trying to keep up with her, because being sick doesn't slow her down in the least. Hope everyone is staying well and warm!!!

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