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Thursday, August 26, 2010

A visit from Tink makes everything better

Busy busy busy again! Saturday Alice and I took the diva to Frederick to do some shopping. We hit a big sale in Sears and walked around the mall a bit. Then we went to this Promenade area that we had passed before but there were really no shops in it that interested us. We did eat lunch at McDonalds so Cammie could have some fwies. Then we stopped at Lowes to pick out some paint colors for the living room and look at a few other things. Sunday we hung out and Joe cut the grass, which is making up for the beginning of the summer when it didn't grow for over a month. Now from all the rain it is growing like crazy! Then Donna, Bill and Paul came over for dinner and we had a yummy meatloaf and mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Monday Cammie and I went to Missi's house so Cammie and Morgan could have a playdate there. They played in the kiddie pool and with the outside stuff, then they wanted to go inside and play. Cammie was a little rough at times, then she would try to hug Morgan but it would turn into looking like a wrestling move. For the most part the girls played well together! Tuesday I had to go see Dr. Sprouse to get my meds refilled (ugh) after the appointment I ran a couple of errands and then met Lowanda at Cracker Barrel for lunch and then we stopped in to see Sharon and Becca and Ken. Cammie had fun playing with Becca (who she kept calling BackUp) and Becca gave her some more silly bands so Cammie was in heaven! She also didn't sleep on the way home like I thought she would. I was so tired I had to stop at ChikFilA for a milkshake and an iced tea (well I really didn't need the milkshake but I had convinced myself I did). Wednesday we went to Westminster with Donna to look for furniture. We went to Roomstore and found a similar bed to the one we want to get for Cammie but it didn't' come in white so the search continues. We did find a nice kitchen table and a living room set, all on sale and no interest for four years so we ordered those! Today Cammie and I are just hanging out at home and I am trying to get some stuff done and organized and cleaned. Joe has been working a lot of OT but today is his regular shift. Clyde is doing better. He is up to two ten minute walks a day and has been putting weight on his back leg. We are still doing the stretching and strengthening exercises. Oh and I got Nickelback tickets for Hershey in September!! Can't wait!! Alice is going to come and stay with Cammie and the beasts! We are also trying to plan a trip for our anniversary/Joe's birthday. So all is well in our little corner of the world!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Yummy Corn!!!

Busy week again, it seems. Monday we had a play date with Missi and Morgan again. During which we saw a little girl fall off the bars and if not break her arm, she dislocated her shoulder and sprained her wrist. Ugh.... Did some stuff around the house and did errands, went out to lunch. Lots of things! Lots of hanging out. We've also been enjoying the hot tub, especially on those nice evenings! Today I went to get my hair cut and colored and Ms Sue's and Kristen G came over and watched Cammie for me. She didn't take a nap so I'm waiting for her to crash! Clyde is doing pretty well. He is only on the one pain medicine now and we are still doing his stretches but have added some strengthening things to it which are harder to do with him. He can also do two five minute walks a day and we have been letting him stay loose in the house more when we are there. He did go down the basement steps the other day which he should not have done but it was really our fault for leaving the door open. He also jumped out of the car before Joe could catch him at the doctors. UGH!! And somehow according to Cammie, while he was at his doctor's appointment he managed to poo in her diaper. I was quite impressed with him at that. Hope everyone has fun plans for this weekend!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ride 'em Cowgirl!

Cammie is riding Friendly who is twenty years old. This was at the fair. Wednesday was Joe's kelly day and he got 12 hours OT so he got off at 1900 which was nice, he got to come home and hang out with us. Thursday Donna and Andrew came over to stay with Cammie and Clyde while Joe and I went to Frederick to take advantage of some tax free shopping. Joe found a bunch of stuff at Kohls and we both found tennis shoes at this other store. I got those Reebok toning shoes. Then we hit JC Penney's and walked around the mall and got a few books at Barnes and Noble. We did get books on raising chickens because Yes, we are thinking about getting some chickens. Just a couple or a few rather. I know Joe is afraid when he comes from work that I will sneak a new animal into the yard and try to pass it off as though it's always been there. "Oh yeah honey, we've had an alpaca since we moved in! I can't believe you don't remember..." I also LOVE those little pygmy goats!! It could get out of hand easily. Friday we did some stuff around the house, it's been cloudy and rainy for several days including this one. Plus some random storms which Bailey absolutely HATES now. She hides in the bathroom. Saturday Joe went to work and Cammie wasn't feeling well so we missed a BBQ at the Kim's today and Watermelon night at the Uncle's. We did get some things done around the house and we have just finished a nice soak in the tub!! And for the first night, Cammie is sleeping in her own room, for now. We have given up on the Gardiners bed and are going to start the search over again so I figured in the meantime I'd just set her room up. It looks ok but not as I want it to. Clyde is doing pretty well. We have been doing his passive rom exercises and he is tolerating them and even seeming to like them as he usually falls asleep during them. He's also spent some time out of the crate in the house which he enjoys and sitting on the deck. He goes back to the doctor on Thursday so hopefully we'll get a good report. On Wednesday he can start five minute walks twice a day and also some more intensive exercises. So far so good!!! Hope everyone had a nice weekend!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Playing with the cows

Today we braved the heat and went to the fair! We met Gary and Michael and Alice, Meaghan and Matt there. We had lots of fun looking at the animals with Cammie. She got to pet a bunch of them and she got to hang out with Bruce Bennett's cows and also one of Rhonda's cows (in pic).
She also did a pony ride on a 20 year old pony and we found lots of animals that we wanted to bring home. Apparently a little over an acre is not enough for us. Clyde is doing better, he's putting some weight on his leg now but he gets tired easily and is pretty happy in the crate still.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Wild Woman

Clyde is doing ok, he is crated unless he goes outside for a potty break and is tolerating that very well. Seems to get worn out easily but he is more awake the past couple of days. He is also starting to put some weight on his leg. We haven't used the cone of shame on him since they gave us one that is really heavy plastic. He has to go back in a little over a week to have the stitches out and his leg checked.
Saturday Joe and Cammie went with Bill and Donna to Susan's house for the get together for Alex. Joe wanted me to stay home with Clyde so he got lots of TLC. Poor Emily was leaving Susan's with her boyfriend and some kid rear ended them and totaled her car. She is ok but her bf is sore! Luckily they didn't get hurt badly. Like everyone always says after an incident.... it could have been worse. Sunday my Mom and Dad came and got Cammie to take her to the Ho Co Fair. Joe was working and he was already at the Fair so she got to see him also. Then The Eichelbergers arrived from Charlotte!!! Chris, John and Sophie surprised Ann with a trip to see us! So we all headed for the Fair and had a good time! Then they all stayed the night and Joe came home this morning and fixed us all breakfast! YUM. It was so great to hang out with them. I love you guys!!! Then this afternoon I took Cammie to meet Missi and Morgan at the playground and they had lots of fun. Joe fixed a steak dinner with fresh eastern shore corn on the cob! Cammie is asleep and we are headed for the hot tub!! Good night!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Talking to Aunt Alice

Joe took Clyde in for his surgery yesterday and then picked him up today. There is a lot more to his rehab than we knew about. There is stuff we can do at home but then they want him to come back for therapy and water treadmill stuff and regular xrays. YIKES!! Clyde is doing well though, he has been sleeping in his crate most of the time since he has been home, we have to use a leash and a sling when he goes outside. Or gets up, or walks across the kitchen floor. He only is allowed to be free for potty breaks and then it is back into the crate. So I may very well lose my mind over the next month or so.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Clyde is having surgery today

Yesterday turned into a really great day. Joe gave me a scare as he wasn't feeling well at work on Monday night so I was trying to give him some time to just chill out and relax. I took Cammie with me to my Pain Management appointment and then we rushed home so I could drop her off and get to the grocery store and get home in time for Gary to come visit. Once he got there we fed him lunch and then kidnapped him to go to Target with Cammie and I. So he got to see the wild woman in action. He was especially thrilled when she found a pair of ruby slippers (seriously) and put them on and walked around, the best she could considering they were tied together. After he left we had dinner and then Cammie was tired from skipping her nap so she crashed and Joe and I got to enjoy another nice evening soaking in the hot tub! This morning Joe took Clyde to his appointment at VOSM for his ACL surgery, so he will stay there tonight and Joe will pick him up tomorrow at 11. All three of us have a dentist appointment at 1030 so I'm going to start getting ready for that. Or mentally ready I guess. UGH!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Do you think my tractor's sexy?

Today really got away from me. Whew! We have a nice few days weather wise and my poison ivy is just about gone which is awesome! Saturday we did some errands and stopped in at the Beadenkopf's. Daniel let Cammie take his old tractor and Donna gave her a little chair to use on the front porch. I'm going to paint it white to match the ones that Donna and Bill gave Joe and I. Sunday we went to the Carroll County Fair to look at pellet stoves since the place we tried to go to on Saturday was closed and they had a big exhibition at the fair. We were also planning on getting lunch there. We ended up having so much fun. We walked around and looked at all the booths and then checked out all the animals. Cammie loved the chicken barn. She is so funny when the roosters crow. We also saw goats, sheep, cows, pigs and bunnies. The funniest thing I think though was the pig race. Cammie kept saying piggies running!! She was so tired she fell asleep as soon as we got in the truck. She also went to bed quite early for her and Joe and I got to enjoy a nice soak in the hot tub on a beautiful evening!! Today I've gotten some things done around the house but I really need to go to Target and I didn't manage to do that. Oh well. There is always tomorrow!

Looking for a Lab?
