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Friday, April 10, 2009

Lab Lovin' from Pudge!

Didn't mean to cut the top of Pudge's head off but this was one of those just caught by accident moments. Forgot to mention yesterday that Joe hung the little airplane swing that was a Becca hand me over and Cammie loves it!!! She laughs so hard when she swings in it!
Cammie had her 9 month check up today! She weighs 21 pounds 4 ounces and is 29 1/4 inches tall. Dr. K said she is in the 90th and 95th percentiles for both and for head size also. He said she was perfect and I asked if I could quote him on that!! She only had to get her third Hep B shot today so she did really well with that. He asked if she had any problems eating anything. I had to laugh, anyone that has eaten with us can vouch for her appetite. She goes back again on her birthday for her one year check up! I'm sure that will come too quickly. Oh, Dr. K also said her front top teeth are ready to pop so look out!!!
I feel so badly for Joe, I thought I was suggesting an easy yard project for him today and it ended up taking him most of the afternoon and I'm sure his back is killing him. It looks great though and we did get a bunch of stuff done since it didn't rain. I had to go to physical therapy this afternoon and I was not happy with the therapist again. I understand that I have to work my neck and shoulder but he is killing me!! UGH!
Hope everyone is ready for the Easter Bunny to come visit. I finally found the Tinkerbell movie, I saw it everywhere until I was ready to buy it and then I think everyone hid it from me! Have a great weekend.

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