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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Being cute at Mommom and Poppops

Another gorgeous fall day today! Cammie went to the Renaissance Festival with Rick and Meaghan and had a good time. She didn't get to go on a pony ride because they said the line was too long but that may have been a good thing since she didn't want to get off the last time she rode one! Joe and I tried to go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast/brunch but the wait was crazy so we went to Hollys instead and then to the grocery store. We did some cleaning when we got home, that was exciting. While we were having dinner the most disgusting thing happened, I feel badly even putting it in here because it is so gross but I have to share it. Cammie was walking around the kitchen and she crouched down beside my chair and I smelled something very gamey, when I went to get up to get her I realized that she had pooed so much some fell out of her diaper on the floor. Joe and I both wanted to throw up but we managed to get her and the floor cleaned up and then she got her bath. It still grosses me out to think about it. I could do without that happening again. bleahhhhh Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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