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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cutie pie!!

I'll try and catch everyone up from last week! On Friday we went and looked at a house that we had seen the week before (before finding the dream house that we lost. Yes I'm still a little bitter about that but I know everything happens for a reason!) So anyway, we put an offer on this rancher that we liked and after counters and re counters and re counters they finally accepted our offer! So barring any terrible news from the inspections we have a new house!! It's in Woodbine. Didn't do much last weekend, Joe worked OT on Saturday. We've been packing and throwing stuff away and basically organizing. I booked a moving company yesterday which was a big relief and they will hold our stuff overnight since our settlements are a day apart. Tuesday night Cammie and I had dinner at Cracker Barrel with Jenn and Brooke and Brody which was fun. And yummy of course. Yesterday Alice came over and we took Cammie to the park and then checked out the new Dollar Tree store and then picked up Rita's and came home to hang out with Joe for a while. Today we have to go talk to our insurance agent and then hope to enjoy some of this beautiful day!!

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