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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cammie and the Pig Bank

Sadly the Pig Bank was broken and I have to get her a replacement. I was afraid something would happen to it since she was carrying it everywhere! Let's see, what have we been up to... We had a visit from Mommom and Poppop, got crabs with Poppop Fish and Granny Franny (YUM!!!), went to the playground and made some new friends, went to the Mt Airy Carnival with Dorsey/Stark and family (pics on facebook), and a bunch of other stuff too. Cammie is at Cunningham Falls with Alice, Meaghan, Rick and Matthew right now. Oh it's also rained two more times since Cammie's party! So the grass is now greener this month. I have got the worst case of poison ivy I've ever had, which is why I'm not at Cunningham Falls right now. I think everyone would run in fear if they saw it. Plus it itches really really bad. I started on the medrol dose pack this morning so I am waiting for that to kick in. The hungries and the jitters have already started. Stay tuned!!

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