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Thursday, September 23, 2010

You know you want a taste..... YUMMY!

Yesterday it got HOT again, we had to turn the AC back on. I had an appointment in the morning for more injections in my back. It's a little sad, you know how they ask you what you are there for, well I said I was getting injections and the nurse asked me to verify what kind and I didn't know. It turned out to be SI joint ones which is fine, maybe they will work. My back was killing me when I went in there and it still hurts but not as bad. While I was at the appointment Joe took Cammie and they went to the mall for a little bit and checked things out. Joe said Cammie sang the Martha Speaks song into a microphone in the Bose store. How cute is that??? Today we are going to go to Sam's and I have to go for my repeat mammogram so I'll be glad when that is over.
Death to the stinkbugs!!

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