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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Our little Princess......

Cammie's bed finally arrived, however since it is some assembly required it is still waiting to be assembled. One of the downsides of ordering it online I suppose. We also got our last kitchen chair and lamp delivered from the Roomstore, although the lamp was broken for the second time so that has to be redelivered. Sigh. As of Wednesday too, we are on the time of use meter again for BGE so hopefully our bills will go down again. They haven't been terrible but we are just unsure of how the winter will be without a woodstove. Thursday we went to Kent Island to meet the O'Neills for lunch at Cracker Barrel (YUM), of course a tropical storm was going through that day and it was pouring rain. We did a drive by through Cloverfields and were quite glad that we moved and now live on a hill. I don't think the yard would have ever dried out and even with all the rain we have had here the yard still isn't really muddy which makes for clean dogs!! YAY! Friday was nice again, Kristen came and took Cammie to Kidactive for me and after lunch we went to meet Missi and Morgan at the Glenwood playground which is really nice. On the way home we stopped to see Joe at the firehouse so all in all a good day!! Joe came home this morning briefly and cleaned the kitchen (what a nice surprise to get up to!) and then went back to work. Cammie and I have been cleaning and doing laundry all day. We have also been having a plane fly circles around our house ALL DAY. Let me tell you, it's annoying! The dogs are not fond of it either, they don't even want to go outside which is a shame since it is a beautiful day, if you take away the stinkbugs of course. I've gotten a lot done today and I'm trying to continue with my Christmas shopping too. I finally looked up the website for Piggy Paint and it is so cute! They do nail polish that is non toxic and all, they have some really cute names and colors so I think that is going to be a stocking stuffer for the Diva. She loves having her nails painted but I've only been doing her toes. Well gotta get back to work....

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