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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Busy weekend!!

Not sure where all the time is going so quickly! This past week just flew by. Got a little shopping done, got things done around the house and of course spent quality time with the Chunkapotamus. She is getting even more chatty and she said her first full sentence to Joe. She is also a little bossy at times. Especially when she wants you to change her diaper. Apparently she is going to be a beach fan because she requests to go the beach on a pretty regular basis. Yesterday Alice and Emily came over and we all went to the fairgrounds to see the alpacas. They were SO cute and they make the sweetest noise. There was also a rabbit show going on so we looked at all the bunnies which were very cute too. They had giant rabbits there. This one lady walked out carrying one that was probably bigger than Bailey. So of course I have added two more things to my wanted list, I must have an alpaca and a giant rabbit. Today Joe had to work so Cammie and I picked up Lowanda and went to Jenn's house for a 31 and Tastefully Simple party. I love the 31 stuff, it's so cute. Cammie actually fell asleep around 845 without much of a fight so I have been enjoying some leisure time, however it's bed time now. Going to gymnastics in the morning! Two weeks to Disney!!!

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