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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cutie Patootie

Once again the week has flown by. My mom and dad came over Monday to hang out with Cammie. Tuesday Cammie and I had an appointment with Anneliese at Pain Management (well I did but I'm required to bring Cammie with me) so we picked up lunch at Chik FilA for Meaghan and got to hang out with her and Nathan for a little while first. After the doctors appointment we met Mollie and Brady at the playground for a little bit. Luckily they got there first and Mollie got rid of some spiders that were hanging around. Whew!! And then the weather turned to crap again, yesterday we decided to have a lazy do nothing day so we hung out. The Roomstore guy did come to assess our furniture and he fixed the end table and the chair but he could only take pics of the couches to submit. When he left we watched the movie Grown Ups which was really good. It's the first movie in a long time that both of us actually watched the entire thing. I love Netflix on the wii! Last night we didn't get to tub because it was storming out. Today Joe had to go back to work, Cammie went to gymnastics with Morgan. Cammie did really well, she is getting a lot better at waiting her turn. She got to bounce on the trampoline then they did some bar stuff which she didn't seem to care for, she jumped in the foam pit and then they did some balance beam stuff which she did really well at too when she paid attention. She does get distracted easily, I wonder where she gets that from. I was also pretty happy when she went to sit down on the mat after class to get her stamps, the little girl next to her said MOVE and Cammie did not slug her like I thought she would, she just got up. The little girl's mom made the girl apologize and Cammie said Thank you. We went to Weis after that and she did OK in the store. We got the cart with the car on the front and as long as I kept moving all was good. There is no room for hesitation or comparison shopping though. Even with her though I saved $68. We had lunch and now we are watching Phineas and Ferb! (P.S. How come Ferb comes up under spellcheck but Phineas doesn't? Weird....)

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