Thursday Joe ended up getting OT on his Kelly day which was a surprise so Cammie and I went to Gymnastics and she had lots of fun. She talked about Miss Missi for the rest of the day. After we came home and ate lunch Cammie kept talking about planting flowers so we went to Sun Nursery and I got two of the planters that sit over the porch railing and some flowers and we came home and planted them to surprise Daddy. She was so excited! They look really nice, I want to get some more. It was so nice being outside too, the dogs loved it. Friday morning Steve and Dee dropped off Smokey for us to dogsit and then I took Cammie to the sign language class at the library. She got to be the bunny in the story and pass out flowers to the other kids. Then she got chummy with another little girl and didn't pay much attention to the rest of the class. We did learn a lot of spring signs and a song which was neat. After that Leslie met us at the house and we went to the tent sale at Stablemates. Cammie found a pair of rubber boots that she liked and Leslie found a pair of riding pants for her. So I spent 26 bucks and saved 54! Leslie bought Cammie her first pair of riding gloves which she didn't take off for a couple of hours. She didn't want to take the boots off either, she put them on in the store and wore them to ride. We came back to the house to get Leslie's car so we could go to the barn and while we were gone Mike Butt had dropped off their dog Tanner who is a labradoodle. I'm not discriminating against other dogs because I love them all but it is funny to see all the labs and then a curly dog. Smokey and Tanner know each other and play well together so that's been a big help. It's just a little crazy with all the dogs!! So Friday afternoon Leslie gave Cammie some more riding tips. We walked down to the field to get Dreamer and then Cammie helped brush her and Leslie got her all set up and she rode all by herself and then she rode with Leslie which she likes so she can go FAST!! Then she rode a little bit with Bear/Ben on the mule. She also helped feed Boots the barn cat. So the week was a little crazy and busy. Saturday it seemed as though it was monsoon season and it rained like crazy all day with huge wind gusts. Some tornados touched down too, UGH. Daniel and Kristen came over for a little while in the evening which was awesome because Cammie ran around like crazy while they were here and then passed out when they left. Sunday Joe had to go to work so Cammie and I just hung out with the dogs, it was nice off and on so we played outside when we could. Daniel and Donna came over after dinner and Cammie was so happy to show off for them and passed out after they left. (I'm noticing a trend here) Now everytime Cammie hears a vehicle or the boys riding the 4 wheelers she announces that Daniel is home and then wants to know if Paul is with him. I got to relax and watch the Amazing Race in total peace and quiet! I was disppointed that Gary and Mallory didn't get elimated though. Go Cowboys!! Monday morning Joe came home with a flat tire and changing it himself turned out to be an all day event. He found the screw that was in it and then the valve stem broke. He took it somewhere and found out that there is some kind of chip in it and they couldn't fix it. So he came home and found out that you can only take it to certain places and they need the whole car so he left to go pick up the tire and then go to Century in Mt Airy. Cammie and I were getting ready so we could meet him there and then drop him off at home and then go meet Alice, Meaghan and Nathan at Arundel Mills. Well that turned into a whole drama too because both of us were headed down 144 and a truck was blocking the road in front of the bridge. UGH So we had to turn around and backtrack and finally got to drop the Journey off. So trying to kill two birds with one stone Joe asked them to fix the recall that is on it. Something about the triggers for the air bags. They had to order the part so he has to take it back another time. It figures!!! Oh and trying to get out of the house with all the dogs was a treat too. I was trying to put Smokey and Tanner downstairs, well Clyde wanted to go with them and I should have just let him but I finally got them all sorted out and when I tried to open the door to the garage Pudge charged out and wouldn't come back in, I started to shut the garage door and he went under it, just enough to trigger it to go back up. (He's too smart) Then he sat in the middle of the garage. I admit, I gave in and took him with us. He was the perfect dog then, he sat in the backseat and everything. So we dropped Joe and Pudge off at the house and Cammie and I headed for Arundel Mills. Cammie fell asleep as soon as we hit 70 and slept all the way there, so instead of jamming to Phineas and Ferb I got to rock out to Nickelback!! We met Alice, Meaghan and Nathan in front of Bass Pro and did some walking around. Didn't find any really good deals, although I did see a Coach purse that I REALLY liked. When we left and headed for the truck I noticed two people sitting in a vehicle near us watching us. I hurried up and got Cammie in the truck and they got out and were kind of walking over towards us so I jumped in the truck and took off. While I was driving away I saw that they got back in their car. It was really weird. I hate that time while you are buckling up the car seat because it's like you are distracted to make sure it's right and your back is to everyone. I know I'm paranoid but that was really creepy. We made it home and went and picked up the Journey and then had dinner and tried to wear Cammie out. We had a really nice evening sitting out on the porch enjoying the weather. Cammie took a while to fall asleep but as soon as she did we got in the hot tub!! Not really taking advantage of today, just bumming around, it's been raining off and on so I'm going to try to do some stuff inside if I ever get motivated.
RIP Mayor/Gov Schaefer
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