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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cammie loves to garden!

The summer is just whizzing by and the stinkbugs are taking over our garden.  ICK!!  We've been trying all sorts of things to kill them and they have proven to be scarily hardy.  Joe has a catch and kill system going on but there are so many that it's overwhelming.  I keep threatening to set fire to the garden to kill them before they start flying around.
We have set in motion to get a solar hot water heater installed and that should be pretty interesting.  We ultimately want to get solar panels installed on the detached garage but the plan that we had initially wanted to go with changed drastically so that will have to wait a bit.
On Wednesday Cammie, Donna and I went to a puppet show at the library in Westminster.  I have never been to that library and it definitely has the best kids area.  They have all sorts of things to play on and play with.  Cammie really liked it and she loved the puppet show.  Friday we ran some errands and I went to TJ Maxx because I was looking for a button down shirt for her and they were having a great sale.  I've never really shopped in there before but I will go back for sure.  I got her a few things to grow into!!  AND I found a button down shirt!  Today Joe had to go back to work but he's off all next week so that will be nice.  My mom and dad came and took Cammie to the Howard County Fair and she loved that.  She got to see all the animals and get on a bunch of rides.  It seems like it's going to storm so hopefully we will get some rain!

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