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Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's been a rough couple of days!! Aside from my back killing me, Cammie has been on an anti sleep campaign. Tuesday night she woke up around midnight and didn't go back to sleep until about 3. Wednesday she hardly napped at all and it took her until about 10 to fall asleep, then around midnight she woke up screaming and crying. So loud it woke up Joe! We put her in bed with us and she fell back to sleep but I kept making sure she was ok. Today we went shopping for a little bit with Meaghan and she cat napped here and there but was basically awake the whole time. She is in the living room now squealing and chatting to herself. She is so cute, even when she won't sleep! I'm trying to keep her awake now so hopefully she will sleep tonight. We are trying to learn sign language from the Baby Einstein dvd and from another dvd and book I got so that has been interesting. Of course I have to learn it first, but it hasn't been so bad so far. We know a few people who have done that with their kids and it helped them a lot.

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