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Monday, December 15, 2008

Yesterday we went to Donna's to help make sugar cookies with Donna, Alice, Meaghan, Emily and Melissa. Meaghan and I rode out together with Cammie and Joe brought the dogs out in his truck. Cammie liked watching everything and then licking the lids to the sprinkles. The dogs had a great time playing with their lab cousins Maggie, Mabel and Lucy and Melissa and Joe's puppy Bella who was very cute. (She is a boxer). For some reason Clyde was terrified of Bella. As Uncle Gary says, Clyde is special. The dogs are still worn out today (yay).
Cammie, in true diva form, has gone through more wardrobe changes today than Mariah Carey. We've also had an explosion of bodily functions. Gross! She ruined her pj's this morning with a code brown and she has spit up several times. Not a lot just enough to bypass the bib. Except at lunch, that was pretty nasty. But that also bypassed the bib and went on the pants and high chair. So that's been my day, try not to envy me too much.

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