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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finding the perfect book

A supposedly tired Cammie is in her jumper seat squealing away and blowing raspberries at Daddy. Have a feeling this is going to be a long evening! She stayed with Sharon and Becca this afternoon while I went to the doctor and had a good time. Sharon reported no meltdowns just some fussiness when she was sleepy or hungry. Of course Cammie took an hour nap for Sharon.
I still don't have an answer as to exactly what is wrong with my stomach. The doctors that I saw today said I have all the symptoms of Crohns Disease but could also have IBS or celiac disease. Bleah. I have to keep a food journal for two months and have some bloodwork done. He also suggested another endoscopy and colonoscopy at some point. At the same time!! I hope they use two different scopes. That's just gross. Anyway, it's such a pain!

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