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Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!!

Whew! We got a bunch of snow! Joe finally got the snow off the satellite dish last night but I missed my show. Today we have gotten a few channels but some of them won't come in. I really dislike Direct TV but we have forever left on our commitment. UGH! Anyway, Cammie seemed to like her first snow. She looks so cute in her snowsuit (which as some of you know was a pain to find!!) and her little boots! One boot fell off while we were going outside and it was driving me crazy trying to find it, Joe found it in the snow outside, either Bailey or Clyde sneakily snagged it and ran. Those dogs!! Speaking of the beasts, they are loving the snow, some of the drifts are up to their stomachs and they run and jump in it. Too funny! We didn't want to take Cammie out for too long since she is still having a runny nose and cough so we just had a few photo ops for her. She'll be signing autographs later... She is really starting to get around in the house, if she can't get there backwards she just rolls around. Going to try to find something to get into for the rest of the day. We were playing wii carnival games earlier. Should do wii fit, but it's going to be really rude since we missed a day. :o)

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