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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Helping Daddy

Keep these nice days coming please! Cool at night for sleeping and then warm and sunny during the day! The Blue Angels were practicing today for graduation tomorrow and we got a couple of peeks when they flew by the house. Very cool! Cammie helped me organize our room today, I would fold things and put them in the dresser and she would pull them out. I put all the shoes in the closet and she threw them out in the room. It was really funny this morning though, she has started jabbering in what can only be described as Chinese curse words. So I was eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast and she was standing next to me helping me finish it. When I told her it was all gone she looked at me, jabbered at me and then bit me on the leg. What's up with that?? She also helped me pick up rocks in the flower bed. We talked to Sharon and Becca for a little bit this morning and Cammie let Sharon hold her without screaming which was nice. We just hung out around the house today, trying to get motivated to do some spring cleaning.

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