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Monday, May 18, 2009

Turned out to be a gorgeous day today. Cammie and I went to swim class this morning. Her boyfriend (hee hee) Cole was sick so he wasn't there but another little boy was but Cammie didn't seem too interested in him. Surprisingly! She had a great time splashing around and kicking and she stuck her face in the water a couple of times. I tried her new bathing suit with the floaty things in it and I think it was too big for her plus it was really awkward holding her in it. I think if she was playing in a kiddie pool or something it would be OK but I just felt like she was going to slip out of my hands. Plus it kept riding up over her mouth. She had fun anyway! She skipped her morning nap but took a pretty good one after lunch and then we hung out in the yard and played with the pups. Pudge was having a mood today so he needed some extra TLC. We talked to Sharon and Becca for a little while and then Joe came home from work. I finally got her to sleep just now and hopefully she will stay that way all night!!

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