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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm sorry if this picture is a repeat!!

Busy day yesterday!!! Alice came over to stay with Cammie and the dogs so Joe and I could go shopping. We decided to go to Columbia and that was a good choice, we went to LL Bean (thanks to gift card), lunch at PF Changs (gift card), and the mall (Disney store gift card and coupon for Yankee Candle). We did buy a few things that we actually had to pay for. After the mall we hit Toys R Us and only got 1 small item (it's true!!), then Bass Pro Shop and Coldstone on the way home! Picked up a pizza for dinner and we were beat!! Alice had gotten Cammie to take a marathon nap and I thought she was still tired but she ended up staying up til about 10 and then waking up at 630 this morning. She is really into opening and closing the fridge door now. I also asked her yesterday morning if she was hungry and she nodded yes and then did the sign for eating. She is so smart!!! But when I made her mad later by telling her no she walked down to her room and shut the door. She is so funny! This morning we went to Tot Time and she had a really good time. She is not too into the story or the craft but she likes the playtime, and she did play with the other kids some. Her and another little boy were dancing, that was really cute. We stopped to look at the cats and dogs on the way out and then came home and she ate lunch, played a little and now she is napping. I'm going to grab a bite and maybe try to nap a minute myself!!

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