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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Loving the sliding boards

I think we are about to either float away or blow away today. Yikes! Alice came over this morning and we were going to go to Sams but since it was raining still we took Cammie to the Ultimate Playzone instead. There is logic behind that, if we went to Sams we would have to put stuff in the back of the truck and it would have gotten soaked or blown out! So anyway, the playzone was pretty cool. There are a lot of badly behaved rude children in this world though. Or is it because there are badly behaved rude parents?? Which came first the chicken or the egg?? Cammie had a great time running around and playing on everything. Alice and I did our best to keep up with her, and if you are looking for a workout, climbing up a moonbounce ladder will do it for you I promise!!! After that we went to Chik FilA for lunch, then home so I could drop off Alice and Cammie and then go to a doctors appointment. After it took Joe forever to get home, he almost had to float across the bay I think, we had a yummy dinner with eclairs for dessert!!! YUM!! Cammie fell asleep a little bit ago and soon I will be relaxing in bed watching Survivor.

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