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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Daddy is so much fun!!!!

Cammie fell asleep at a semi reasonable time last night. That was nice. Joe got overtime at Elkridge today so he'll be gone until morning. UGH!! I got a few things done but Cammie has been a wild woman today. Last night she figured out that she could walk backwards and now that is her new thing. It's very cute and it thrills her to pieces that she can do it. It rained again today and the yard is a complete and utter disgusting mess. There is water laying on top of the grass. It is terrible. I almost would rather that it snow.
I'm working on making my New Years Resolutions since I haven't done that in forever. If I can pull at least a few of them off, I'll really be doing something!!! Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and whatever you did you managed to stay warm and dry. Although whoever went to the game today I doubt either of those things happened!!

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