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Monday, December 7, 2009

Our Christmas Tree at home. (just kidding....)

Our tree is only decorated halfway up or should I say down. The treat of the day today was that I went looking for Cammie and found her in our room. The bad part was that she was drawing on the wall with a sharpie. UGH. At least it was a green sharpie and our walls are green. I didn't notice until Joe came home that she had also drawn on the dresser. Most of that came off with alcohol. (Rubbing alcohol not the drinking kind, although if I drank some I may not care that she drew on the walls. ha ha). Anyway, after that I took over to the Browns so I could go to a doctor appointment. She had lots of fun hanging out with Mr. Chris. When I got back they were out on the patio laughing. He said she was very good, except for a code brown. (oops). Not much else got done today since the appointment kind of cut up the whole day. I'm hopeful for tomorrow. I have a ton of crap to do, most importantly finding an outfit for a dinner on Wednesday evening. Alice is picking Cammie up tomorrow morning at 9 so I'm going to leave to try the outlets. I have to be back by 11 to wait for the fed ex guy who is supposed to come between 11 and 4. Is it bed time yet???

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