Saturday, January 30, 2010
I cannot believe how much it is snowing and there is no sign of it tapering off! Yesterday Joe was off and we made a trip to the grocery store which went pretty well and then in the afternoon we had to go to the eye doctor. Cammie decided to take her nap in the truck going to the eye doc so
Joe waited in the truck with her and then when I was done I went out and she woke up a few minutes later. So we went in that store Tuesday Morning to look around. It was pretty gross in there. So we just spent the evening hanging out and this morning woke to a regular day UNTIL it started snowing. We probably have about 6 inches by now. Cammie went out to play before it started so she hasn't been out in yet, maybe we will wait until tomorrow. It's really cold out!! (hence the snow I guess.....) Anyway, we didn't have any plans for this weekend so we'll just be holed up in the house eating.... Hope everyone is having a good weekend and staying warm!!!
Joe waited in the truck with her and then when I was done I went out and she woke up a few minutes later. So we went in that store Tuesday Morning to look around. It was pretty gross in there. So we just spent the evening hanging out and this morning woke to a regular day UNTIL it started snowing. We probably have about 6 inches by now. Cammie went out to play before it started so she hasn't been out in yet, maybe we will wait until tomorrow. It's really cold out!! (hence the snow I guess.....) Anyway, we didn't have any plans for this weekend so we'll just be holed up in the house eating.... Hope everyone is having a good weekend and staying warm!!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Playing some bball!! (and being cute of course!
Yesterday was pretty non eventful during the day. When Joe got home from work we went over to Matt and Jennifer's for dinner. We had yummy lasagna and we picked up a Reese PB cake from DQ that was OK. Actually I could have eaten the whole thing I think..... YUM. Cammie had fun playing with Brooke and Brody. Poor Brooke though had a mess to clean up in her room, I think Cammie went through ALL of her things!! I put her in her PJ's before we left and she fell asleep right as we were coming into the neighborhood. She woke up when I was getting her out of the car seat and then it took her about an hour to fall back to sleep, even though I knew she was wiped out. UGH. She also didn't stay in her crib very long but she seemed to sleep well in our bed. Until about 6 this morning. When Joe gets out of bed Pudge usually lays in his spot and I put his pillows on the other side of Cammie. And I usually wake up when she starts moving around, which I did, however Pudge had moved and Cammie ended up on the floor. Luckily I haven't brought the laundry basket up this week and Joe has just been leaving his dirty clothes on the floor next to the bed. I guess I can't bitch at him for it because Cammie landed right on the pile of clothes. WHEW!! She cried but only for a minute and I haven't found any bumps or bruises so I am sure that is fine. I just felt terrible. She also usually is a cuddly sleeper and stays pretty close so I'm really surprised she got that far away from me. Joe said she was probably kicking Pudge and that's why he moved. At least everything turned out OK. Joe has his four day weekend this weekend and then just 2 more weeks of day work!! Tomorrow we are going to the grocery store and to the eye doctor. I have got to get new contacts and my glasses fixed. Oh, this morning we did go to Busy Bodies with Amy and Trevor and Brendan! Cammie had so much fun!! We were the only ones there for most of the session and then one of the moms came with her little boys (one is a tiny baby so he just sits there and the other is a little older than Cammie. She had so much fun playing, towards the end the lady who was working brought out a vacuum and some scarves and she reversed the suction on the vacuum so it blew air instead and she blew the scarves up in the air and the kids were loving it. Cammie was laughing so hard. We had lunch when we got home and then she fell asleep around 1 and woke up very upset around 2. When I picked her up she hugged me and snuggled so I laid back down with her and she fell back to sleep. I woke her up at a little after 3 and now she is sitting in the chair next to me watching TV which is new. She is also yawning A LOT!! I guess we'll see how tonight goes!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Cammie and Becca
Sometimes the days just get away from me!! Yesterday we started Tot Time again and there are a lot more kids in it this time. Cammie's boyfriend Brendan and his brother Trevor are in it, so I get to hang out with Amy! I also met a Mom who lives on the next court up and her daughter who is one day older than Cammie. Mom is also a realtor!! Anyway, yesterday we were also in the middle of what could only be described as a monsoon. It finally cleared up towards the end of the day but the rain and wind was unbelievable. Power was out in a lot of areas (not here) but our phone was out most of the day and the Internet was out all day (I know!!) Cammie did take a two hour nap after TT and I admit that I laid down with her the whole time! I gave the dogs soup bones and everyone was happy!! It was really warm yesterday too which was weird... Anyway, it's back to being cold again today. Cammie and I picked up Lowanda and went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast! YUM!! Then we went to the library and came home in time to take a nap. This time I couldn't nap with her. I was tired but just couldn't fall asleep. And she only slept about forty minutes. We just finished dinner a bit ago and now are just hanging out. I'm ready for bed now though!! Both Joe and I are feeling somewhat better. Hopefully this vile illness is on its way OUT!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Pretty in Pink
Still not feeling great! Yesterday Joe broke his phone at work and the display wouldn't come up which renders a touch screen pretty useless. We figured we could go to the new Verizon Store right in Red Apple Plaza and get a new one. Our first mistake.... they don't do tech stuff there and we aren't eligible for an upgrade until October.. blah blah blah... so we had to go to the Verizon Store in Harbor Center in Annapolis. Driving over there, we noticed they were working on the Severn River Bridge which was backing up traffic for at least a couple of miles and then when we got to Harbor Center, the parking lot was surprisingly empty however it did seem that all of the people who were there were in the Verizon Store. We only had to wait about a minute though to see Tech Support and the girl was really super nice, she said we had one more month on our warranty and she could give Joe a replacement phone and it would just take a few minutes to transfer all his info over to the new phone. So we walked down to Office Depot to get some printer ink and went back to get the phone. Then we went home through Annapolis and went across the Severn River on 450 which was traffic free and it all turned out pretty painless other than the unexpected trip across the bridge. Cammie and I took a short nap when we got home after lunch and then Joe took her out in the yard to play. She ended up next door with Becca and we chatted with Sharon and Ken for a little while. Cammie had a great time playing! The deer was also back in our yard this evening. I missed it completely when I went out to get steaks off the grill. I came back inside and thought the dogs were barking at the geese flying over and Joe said.... UM didn't you see the giant deer in the yard??? No and I wasn't really looking that way either. I started watching the movie Four Christmases and I like it so far, going to finish it tomorrow I think. Everyone is asleep and the Food Channel just finished an Unwrapped show on doughnuts so I absolutely must have one NOW!! Good night!!!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Waiting patiently for my dinner.......
I think I got a little too ambitious yesterday and relapsed or something. Cammie slept from 11 to 1, which was awesome except I wasn't tired at that time as usual. When she woke up we walked down the court to drop some magazines off at the Brown house and then since the weather people couldn't make up their mind whether or not it was going to snow/sleet/rain/whatever today I decided to make my run to CVS. Went through the drivethru at the bank without problems and then went to CVS. I got the soda that was on sale and some other essentials (cold medicine and candy) <- and a few other things.... Anyway, I was pretty proud of myself, I spent 56 bucks, saved 41, got 12 extra bucks and a rebate to send in for $10. So not bad at all!!
Cammie's new thing now is pushing the kitchen chair over to the sink so she can wash her hands or play with the stuff in the sink. She can reach the faucet unless it is turned all the way to the back. I'm not sure if that is her new favorite thing or not as she still enjoys rooting through the fridge. For some reason she pulls out hot sauce and ranch dressing. I guess she is trying to tell us that she wants some wings, and of course beer.
No big plans for the weekend since we are both still not feeling great. Hopefully we will recover at some point. I think Cammie is over hers, she didn't have a runny nose at all today. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I'm back!
Whew! It's been a rough couple of days. We figured Cammie was on the upside of getting better and then Joe and I got sick. It started getting bad Monday night, and Tuesday morning I woke up feeling like death. Alice came over to get Cammie for me which was awesome and Joe came home from work so the dogs stayed downstairs with him and I slept in bed ALL DAY. It was a rough night Tuesday night, Joe was up coughing most of the night so he called in sick Wednesday and I had already asked Meaghan to watch Cammie for me so Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday. By last night I was feeling a little better and today Joe went to work but he did cough a lot last night so I'm not sure how he is feeling. I'm trying to take it easy since I do feel better but still not great. UGH!! Cammie seems to be fine and is taking all of the shuffling around in stride. We've been playing today and she is napping now so I am going to go and try to grab a nap with her! Have a great day!
Monday, January 18, 2010
No picture again due to lack of motivation.... Sorry
Ugh!! I don't feel well now. It's been coming on the past couple of days. Cammie seems to be getting better, she had a pretty awful cough this morning but her nose is much less runny and she is still a wild woman! Joe had off today so when we got up and got ready this morning we went to Toys R Us and got Cammie a kitchen set. I know, she really needed another toy but listen to this deal.... TRU had a deal where if you got 2 of the giant boxes of diapers (which I had coupons for thank you very much) you would get a $15 gift card and we had gotten a coupon from the TRU rewards for $50 off any kitchen set. So... I went through the line with my diapers and got the gift card and then Joe paid for the kitchen set with the coupon and the gift card. Plus we realized later that we got an additional 5 bucks off because the cashier didn't believe the coupon was for 50 bucks so she ran it through as 5 and then called the manager. Joe put it together this afternoon and Cammie has been playing it with it since. She LOVES it. Joe made turkey chili for dinner tonight but it just didn't seem appealing to me at all so I haven't eaten any and I made a casserole to hold for dinner tomorrow night so we have had a productive day. Cammie slept in her crib for a good while last night and she was taking a nice nap this afternoon when Cassidy and her friend came over to play for a couple of minutes. I'm hoping she will fall asleep soon. I admit I screwed up her routine as I have already given her a bath but I feel like I'm going to crash soon so I wanted to get it over with. Joe took Clyde to the vet this afternoon also because we noticed a large lump on his knee and the vet said it has been there for a while and he has arthritis. So 2 out of 3 of the dogs are orthopedically impaired. I'm sensing a rancher in our future..... (The type of house not an actual ranch man lol) Hope everyone had a nice day!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Cassidy and Cammie
Cammie has finally dropped off to sleep and I figured I would do this before I try to put her in her crib. We are going tomorrow to look at beds for her. She seems to be feeling better, still a little bit of a runny nose but no where near as bad as it has been. I'm a little nervous because my throat has been scratchy all day but hopefully it's just because I'm tired. We went up to Carters at the Outlets this morning, well right before lunch. They had all their jammies on sale. We got 11 pairs for 40 bucks. That should be enough to carry her through the winter I hope. We also hit up the Pepperidge Farm outlet store for some packs of goldfish! Not bad at all. I also wanted to mention to those of you who have Allstate insurance, we got a card in the mail telling us that if we registered our account online and signed up for ebills then you could possible save money on your renewal. It has to be done at least two months before your renewal is due. Just go to and it walks you through the steps. You do need your policy number, you also can save money if you have the premiums automatically deducted from a bank account or credit card. AND if you need sodas and have a CVS card, they are offering 6 12 packs for 20 bucks and then you get 10 extra bucks back. So all in all a pretty good deal. Well I'm going to see if I can get the dancing wild woman in her own bed. Wish me luck!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Do you think anyone will notice I have taken control of the remote??? oh and GO TERPS!!
Someone is tired and cranky today!! ME!! Got very little sleep again last night due to coughing and sneezing and snoring. Cammie did sleep in her crib for a little while but I brought her back in bed with us and she thrashed around, as soon as I would doze off. Grrrr... This morning came way too early and we did some cleaning/organizing and Joe made some things for lunch. He took Cammie out to play/work in the backyard and I got ready to go to the grocery store. I was almost looking forward to going by myself until I got there. Some lady who was at least 105 tried to run me down in the parking lot and then in the store this lady was on her cell phone talking about her period and menopause. ICK, she was around me the whole time and then got in line behind me. Remember that I am tired, grouchy and my back is hurting..... I got everything out of the cart and put it on the checkout belt, had my coupons ready and reached in my purse for my wallet and..... then realized it I left it at home. AAAAHHHH I couldn't freaking believe it. I had to go all the way home and get it and then go back! I was glad to finally get home. Joe and I made Shepherds Pie for dinner and a dip with cream cheese and chili and cheese for the football game. Even though I am not going to watch it! I hope the Ravens win though. Oh I did save 36 bucks at the grocery store and got a coupon for $15 off the next visit plus another 2 if I did a phone in survey. Not bad, I'd say. Cammie seems to be less snotty today but you can tell at times she doesn't feel well. She helped Joe bring firewood up to the house, she likes to ride in the wheelbarrow and he also took her wagon out and she rode around in the yard in that. Getting ready to give the wild woman a bath soon and hope she falls asleep soon!!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Ready to go to work with Daddy
Another rough night last night, only because of the sniffling, coughing and sneezing. And snoring from other family members who shall remain nameless. (2 and 4 legged) Joe got up this morning and took all the dirty dogs to the cleaners, which is awesome! They all smell so good and look so nice and are SO soft!! Plus they don't shed for like 2 weeks. We went to Sams Club this morning and stocked up on a bunch of stuff that we needed and then ran a couple of errands. I got Cammie to take a short nap with me this afternoon and I am hoping she will fall asleep soon. I know she is tired. Her nose is still really runny but she hasn't had a fever which is good. She has been eating a lot as well. She was so cute getting ready for her bath tonight, she couldn't wait and pulled her pants and socks off by herself. She was also sitting on her potty earlier reading a book. She had her pants pulled up and all but that's where I found her. It was very cute.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Sorry no pic again!!
Our poor little bunny is all stuffy and snotty and coughing!! It started right after her doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Last night I didn't even bother to put her in her crib and she slept ok in our bed but she was a wild woman thrashing all around and coughing. I got no sleep of course. Today was brutal just trying to entertain her and keep up with her. Even when she doesn't feel well she still goes 150%. Everyone is asleep now and I am just relaxing trying to get myself to fall back to sleep!!!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Cammie and GREAT Uncle Gary
Yesterday Cammie had her 18 month check up and everything is great with her except now I think she has a cold. She got her Hep A vaccine and didn't shed a tear again! It's a good thing she got her father's pain tolerance!! Joe was off yesterday and our power was supposed to be off as well so after Cammie's appointment we went across the bridge and went to the Glen Burnie mall to go to Dicks Sporting Goods and Toys R Us. After not finding what we were looking for in either place we went to Walmart to see Alice and picked up a few essentials there. That place is crazy. It's so crowded all the time!!! We also saw Emily doing some shopping for her work there, Cammie was very interested in her cart because she had snack stuff for the kids in it. When we got home it didn't appear as though the power had been turned off but Sharon said that theirs was. It hasn't gone off today and they have been working in the court and across the street all day so I'm not sure what the heck is going on. I've been organizing some stuff in the office today, trying to find paperwork for our taxes etc and trying to find some more storage space!!! When Joe goes back to shift work and takes his uniforms and all out of the downstairs bedroom we'll have a bit more room. Not a whole lot going on today! Just hoping Cammie isn't getting sick. She coughed quite a bit last night and today she has a runny nose. Parks and Rec called last night and cancelled her Wiggles and Giggles class, we were the only ones who enrolled in it, but the Tot Time that starts on the 25th is a go. Amy enrolled Brendan and Trevor in that so I knew there would be at least 3 kids in it!! Hope everyone enjoys their day!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Our little homey looking too cute!! She only poses at certain times with the hat on so I had to snap when I could! I had a fairly productive day today, got up, got showered, got the dogs outside a couple of times, got Cammie ready and out the door by 1015 to go to CVS (saved 53 bucks and got 23 Extra Bucks for a future visit) then we went to Busy Bodies where Cammie had fun playing with everyone except the little boy who took his pants and underwear off. Brendan and Trevor were there but I didn't see any make out sessions with Cammie and Brendan!! We stayed there til 12 and then stopped at the Deli to get lunch meat and milk and then came home! After lunch she fell asleep by 1 and slept until 2 on the dot. We played and played and had dinner when Daddy came home and then played some more. She is almost finished her bath and then we will do our milk/story combo and I'll see if I can stay awake longer than she can. I'm not sure..... Tomorrow we have her 18 month check up at Dr. K's and we found out today that our power is getting turned off at 8 for 3-6 hours. That should be interesting! I guess Delmarva Power doesn't realize it is freezing cold out. Well it's Monday night and Nerds Rule. I hope I can stay up late enough to watch The Big Bang. I'm sure I can, now I'll be stressed out because we have to get up early for Cammie's doctor appointment. UGH I can't win!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
How can you not want to smooch those cheeks??
Have had a tough couple of days!! I thought yesterday would be OK. Joe went to work for 24 on a trade at Station 8. Alice came over around lunch time and we went to Target in Easton. Got Cammie a bunch of cute socks from the dollar section, and the Hanes Sweats I like for her were on sale for 2 bucks each so I got her a couple more of those and some new coupon organizers from the dollar section because I am serious now about this coupon stuff!! After that we grabbed a bite at ChickFilA and when I went to get a refill on my lemonade because I shared mine with Cammie and she was thirsty and drank most of it, the cashier told me I could get one if I took my top off. I was like ???? Then I realized she meant the lid. Ohhhh, that makes more sense! So I got my free refill and a balloon with a little cow tied to it for Cammie. Came home and hung out for a little while. Alice suggested that I try giving Cammie her bath later in the evening (I usually do it right after dinner since she is usually covered in food) and then give her some warm milk and read to her and then put her to bed. So we did all those things last night and she was asleep by 745. I was so happy but then she woke up around 1030 and I couldn't get her back to sleep in her crib and then the dogs started and I was up the rest of the night either trying to get Cammie to sleep or taking out the dogs repeatedly. The only good thing was I managed to keep the fire going all night, although the heat did run a couple of times this morning anyway. Sigh.... Today I was exhausted, at around 11 when Cammie started getting tired I laid down with her and I woke up at 1. I don't know if she slept the whole time or not but I really don't care she was still laying in bed with me. We did the bath routine again tonight and were laying in bed watching TV after reading and the next thing I knew Joe was bringing the clean blanket in and it was a little after 8. I don't know what time she fell asleep but I'm hoping she will stay that way. Of course now I am still so tired but since I got up and did a couple of things it will take me forever to fall back to sleep and then Cammie will wake up. AAAHHH Hope everyone had a great weekend! Stay Warm!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Hiding out under the tree
I figured I would take a minute now while Cammie is sitting in her wagon watching TV. (too cute) She stayed up til about 1030 last night. I was sure she would crash early. We were going to Cracker Barrel to meet Jennifer and Brody at 1230 so I left a little early to run a couple of errands, figuring she would nap when we got home with a full belly. At 1205 when I was at the CB exit her head nodded forward and she fell asleep. I drove down to the end of the road and back to the parking lot and let her nap til 1230. She got a huge burst of energy when we walked into the store and found about 20 things that she wanted. We had a yummy lunch and then came home. After playing out in the yard with the beasts for a little while we came back in and she got all cuddly and sleepy so I laid in bed with her and she fell asleep about 230, at 330 I woke her up and she was still sleepy. She played out in the yard with Joe when he got home from work and then after dinner we went next door to exchange gifts with Becca. Cammie loved playing with all of Becca's toys! She really liked her play vanity because she could sit on a little chair in front of a mirror and brush her hair. We came home about 730 due to a code brown situation. For some reason Ken wouldn't help me out and change her!!! At some point during my battle to get her to sleep she lost her sippy cup and I forgot about it. Well after I got her in her crib and finally fell asleep myself (which takes forever) Joe rolled over on the cup and woke me up to hand it to me. To sit on the headboard...... When I told him about it this morning he was amused. It is funny now but not so much last night. It snowed a little last night so we'll go out to play in that later! The dogs were having a blast running around in it this morning! They are so funny. Have a great Friday everyone!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sorry no picture today
I wasn't going to blog today since we really didn't do anything, I know that hasn't stopped me before but it was a pretty boring day. Joe had his Union Executive Board meeting today so he got home a little later than usual. Cammie and I hung out at home and I got a few productive things done off my never ending list. I should be doing some things now since Cammie is still wide awake. I can't wait til her next doctor appointment on Tuesday, I don't know what to do about her sleeping habits. A friend of mine gave me some websites to check out and I didn't really get too much out of them. Maybe it will be better when Joe goes back to shift work (it looks like it will happen sooner rather than later!) but this whole short nap, staying up late, waking up early is driving me crazy. I feel like the only time I get a minute to myself is when she sleeps and during the day when she naps I try to cram in all my me stuff like eating lunch, taking a shower and playing with the dogs. At night I would like to relax in bed with a book or a computer game but Cammie has other ideas. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them. She does fine on the amount of sleep she gets but I'm not! Plus the whole being tired all the time is really getting old and it makes my back hurt worse so it is a vicious cycle. And it makes me very short tempered. So I've got my fingers crossed that she goes to sleep sometime soon but she is sitting in her wagon watching TV, laughing at a book and gabbing on her cell phone....... Good night? Not so much!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Little Picasso at work
I know her outfit is terrible but it was jammies! The bottoms to the shirt got ruined in a horrible code brown accident. Cammie was ready to party last night. She faked me out and fell asleep early but then woke back up and stayed awake until after midnight. Then woke up by 7 this morning. YIKES!! We have had an activity filled day at home though and tonight Cassidy came over and played with her for a while again while I cooked dinner. Just hanging out again tonight trying to keep warm!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Being silly with Uncle Michael
Whew.... it is still cold and blustery out but I'm not sure why I'm surprised since it is January. We had a busy day yesterday! My Mom and Dad came over for a visit, and while they were here Melissa the petsitter stopped by for a minute. Then after Mom and Dad left Cassidy came over to play with Cammie. She cleaned Cammie's room again which is awesome. I thought Cammie would crash after she left but she stayed up until almost ten, the only thing I can think of is that she really wanted to see the end of The Transporter. Joe was off today and he was awesome and went to the grocery store first thing this morning and then we took Cammie to Busybodies. Amy was there with Brendan (Cammie's smooching buddy) and Trevor so that was fun. Joe liked playing with her there, I think he will really like the Ultimate Playzone!! After we came home she ate lunch and took a nap. Olivia dropped some cute winter clothes and shoes off at some point that Eva has outgrown. That is always much appreciated. Now I'm just trying to get Cammie ready for bed! She keeps going in the fridge now!! We also learned some new sign language today that we are trying to use with her. I'm so ready for bed!!!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year!!!
Well 2010 started off cold and windy!! Yesterday we went to the 2nd Annual New Year's Day Dinner at Mommom and Poppop's at Oakcrest. Mom and Dad, Deb and John, Gary and Michael, Jessica and Jason and their new son Jayden were all there and Amy V and Timothy came later so we didn't get to see them for very long. Just long enough for Cammie and Timothy to hug and then for Cammie to try to steal Timothy's present. Poppop dressed up like Santa and Cammie didn't think too much of that, at first she was OK but when he got closer she started to cry. Then she fell asleep on the way home and promptly woke up when the car stopped and was awake until about midnight again. We are thinking we are going to have to get her a regular bed because she is climbing like a little monkey. Yikes!! She loves her wagon, she sits in it to watch TV in the living room and likes to be pulled down the hall in it. We haven't taken her for a walk in it yet but I'm sure she will love that. Pudge seems to be feeling better although he still isn't himself. Hopefully the amoxicillin will take care of the infection. The wind has been blowing hard all day today, making it even colder!! That can stop at any time!! Happy New Year!!!
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