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Friday, January 8, 2010

Hiding out under the tree

I figured I would take a minute now while Cammie is sitting in her wagon watching TV. (too cute) She stayed up til about 1030 last night. I was sure she would crash early. We were going to Cracker Barrel to meet Jennifer and Brody at 1230 so I left a little early to run a couple of errands, figuring she would nap when we got home with a full belly. At 1205 when I was at the CB exit her head nodded forward and she fell asleep. I drove down to the end of the road and back to the parking lot and let her nap til 1230. She got a huge burst of energy when we walked into the store and found about 20 things that she wanted. We had a yummy lunch and then came home. After playing out in the yard with the beasts for a little while we came back in and she got all cuddly and sleepy so I laid in bed with her and she fell asleep about 230, at 330 I woke her up and she was still sleepy. She played out in the yard with Joe when he got home from work and then after dinner we went next door to exchange gifts with Becca. Cammie loved playing with all of Becca's toys! She really liked her play vanity because she could sit on a little chair in front of a mirror and brush her hair. We came home about 730 due to a code brown situation. For some reason Ken wouldn't help me out and change her!!! At some point during my battle to get her to sleep she lost her sippy cup and I forgot about it. Well after I got her in her crib and finally fell asleep myself (which takes forever) Joe rolled over on the cup and woke me up to hand it to me. To sit on the headboard...... When I told him about it this morning he was amused. It is funny now but not so much last night. It snowed a little last night so we'll go out to play in that later! The dogs were having a blast running around in it this morning! They are so funny. Have a great Friday everyone!!!

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