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Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm back!

Whew! It's been a rough couple of days. We figured Cammie was on the upside of getting better and then Joe and I got sick. It started getting bad Monday night, and Tuesday morning I woke up feeling like death. Alice came over to get Cammie for me which was awesome and Joe came home from work so the dogs stayed downstairs with him and I slept in bed ALL DAY. It was a rough night Tuesday night, Joe was up coughing most of the night so he called in sick Wednesday and I had already asked Meaghan to watch Cammie for me so Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday. By last night I was feeling a little better and today Joe went to work but he did cough a lot last night so I'm not sure how he is feeling. I'm trying to take it easy since I do feel better but still not great. UGH!! Cammie seems to be fine and is taking all of the shuffling around in stride. We've been playing today and she is napping now so I am going to go and try to grab a nap with her! Have a great day!

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