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Monday, March 22, 2010

Nap Time

Last week got away from me again and it was brought to my attention that I need to blog (Thank you Theresa). To the best of my knowledge nothing newsworthy happened on Thursday. Friday was my Mom's birthday so her and Dad came over in the morning for a few hours to see Cammie. Cammie has been suffering from the same allergies that seem to be plaguing everyone right now and she is cutting molars so she is a dripping snotty mess at times (but oh so cute!!). It makes her cough and sneeze but she is in really good spirits most of the time! Anyway, we had a nice visit with Mom and Dad but someone missed their nap window so no nap was to be had that day! In the afternoon we went to see Jenn and Maria and Cammie and Maria were cruising around in Maria's Escalade. It was so cute. They played on the roller coaster and with some bubbles too. Lots of fun enjoying the gorgeous day! On our way home we ran into Sharon, Ken and Becca outside so we hung out with them for a while too. It was a very social day. Joe got off late so he didn't end up getting home until probably 8 or so. Saturday morning we got up and frantically cleaned the house since Jenn was bringing over someone to look at it. After that Cammie and I went to Emily's housewarming party which was nice. Her new apartment is cute and Cammie loved the playground out in front of it. I left the party alone as Cammie was going to go home with Meaghan and spend the night!!! Joe and I went to dinner at Sado and then came home and were going to watch the Hangover but he fell asleep and I watched some of it, but I didn't think it was as funny as everyone said. Maybe I was missing something. Anyway, Saturday morning I slept in!! Until almost 10 which was so nice!!! Got a couple of things done around the house and Joe worked on the lawn mower. Alice and Meaghan brought Cammie home around lunch time and Meaghan said she slept all night in a little princess tent that Meaghan bought her! Unbelievable.... Of course she does good for someone else. I'm glad that her first sleepover was a success. The Great Uncles, Gary and Michael called when they were on their way home from the beach and stopped by so we got to hang out with them for a good while and have dinner. I made a yummy call to get takeout. Cammie showed off for them for a while and then finally when she started getting tired and just a little mean they left to head for home. Last night was rough, I am so jealous of Meaghan. Cammie fell asleep quickly but as soon as we got in bed to watch the Amazing Race she got a little restless. She then spent a couple of hours thrashing around but not really waking up. I tried to put her in her bed, because as soon as I would fall asleep she would move around so I was getting frustrated. She woke up as soon as I picked her up. Sigh... So I didn't really fall asleep until probably well after 2. She did calm down and I'm trying to keep her on a regular tylenol/motrin schedule because it seems like her teeth are really bothering her. She keeps sticking her fingers in the back of her mouth which is new and drooling. Oh, the other thing that happened yesterday was our friend Keith and his dad Mr. Jimmy came and picked up the sofa and loveseat from upstairs so Cammie has a whole room to play in now!! Of course the echo is really weird without the furniture in it.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and got to be outside!!!
Happy Birthday to Mom, her birthday was friday and
Happy Birthday to Pudge, he turned 7 yesterday!!!

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