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Friday, March 5, 2010

Smooches for the Fur Real Kitty

Once again this week got away from me. Tuesday and Wednesday Joe had off also since I had injections done in my back again and they put you to sleep so you can't drive for 24 hours plus you aren't supposed to lift etc. So that took care of Tuesday and then Wednesday morning I had an appointment with my regular doctor and then went to the grocery store. How very exciting I know!! Thursday Alice and Meaghan came over and we went to Easton and had lunch at Chilis and then went to Target. I feel I showed remarkable restraint in Target. I did Cammie stuff for her Easter basket but I really LOVE Target and could spend a ton of $$ there but I didn't. P.S. Their summer clothes and bathing suits that they have out are really cute!! Cammie has been her usual spunky self this week. She is now saying ball and thinks that the oranges in the fridge are balls and kept throwing them down the steps. She is just so funny and so fun to be with (unless you are trying to get her to go to sleep). She really likes her new bed but I think she likes cuddling better. Joe got to spend lots of quality time with her while he was off and he really enjoyed that and I know she did too.

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