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Monday, January 24, 2011

Cammie and PopPop Fish

Saturday Cammie, Donna, Melissa and Kristink (and myself) went to Meaghan's baby shower and had fun! We all ate too much and I gave Kristen and Melissa one job to do on the way home, which was to keep Cammie awake and they failed!! She fell asleep with out the bink even!! Sunday Joe had to go to work so Cammie and I got some stuff done at home and then we headed out to buy a paper since the Sun can not get our delivery right. Oh, Cammie also told me that she would trade her bink in for a bike but she took it back when I told her that we couldn't go to the store right then. While we were out she requested ice cream, fries, blueberries and to see Daddy. So we went to McDonalds and got a happy meal and one of those berry smoothies. She took one drink of it and proclaimed it YOGURT! (Which she does like) and wouldn't drink any more of it. Not sure what that was all about. She did enjoy the fries, stating that they were so good. Then we headed for the firehouse to see Daddy. He was greeted with "Hi, it's me Cammie". Just in case he was unsure as to who the little cutie was. She made herself right at home and gave him some instruction on how to pump the fire engine, telling him where the hose went. We didn't stay long since someone called 911. She fell asleep pretty early but woke up often throughout the night and woke up early this morning. She didn't take a nap today but fell asleep at around 545 and we got right in the hot tub. She is still sleeping so I'm headed for bed shortly since I got all my coupons organized and my to do list done. Earlier today she did take off her clothes and inform me that she was going to the beach. I'm not sure which beach and it is awfully cold out so I'm not sure what is going on with that. We did some shrinky dinks (FUN) and made some jewelry. Uh oh, someone is up.

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