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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Puppy!! I mean New Year!!

(The puppy is a foster, we haven't completely lost our minds!!) Well the first part of the new year has been a blur. New Year's Eve we waited patiently for the Maytag repairman to come and fix our fridge (it's been freezing everything and the troubleshooting that the lady that Joe talked to previously didn't work.) He was supposed to come between 8 and 12 and the service even called at about 9 to tell us he would be there between 8 and 12. At 12 we called them back and Joe talked to the same lady who called and she said that the serviceman had gone to our house and the people there didn't know what he was talking about so he cleared the call. Does that not make sense to anyone else? So we went to the Chinese food buffet for lunch but it was too crowded so we went to Hunan Manor instead. We were going to go to Toys R Us afterwards but I forgot the coupons so we went to Petsmart instead. Joe went into work OT at 7pm and left me to party with the wild woman. She is back into her stay up late, get up early routine again and I am most assuredly not a fan. Saturday we went to pick up the foster puppy, Lily in Germantown. She has been with us all week so far. Donna, Andrew and Paul came to see her and thought she was very cute. (she is!) Joe got off at 7pm and then had to back into work Sunday morning for his regular shift. I somehow missed the annual NYD dinner at Mommom's. I really have lost my mind. On Sunday Cammie and I hung out waiting for the phone to ring about Lily. I did get a text about her from Leslie who wanted to come over with Ben and play with the puppy. Fun! Cammie also took over and made them play Lego's with her in her room. Monday I had to take Cammie to the doctor because I thought she had a UTI, well they wanted me to get her to pee in a cup. Really? Then when that failed (big shock I know) they told me to put a bag on her. That went over well. I asked if they could just straight cath her and they said that was too traumatizing for the parent (OKAAAAAY) and the kids didn't like it either. Yes and I'm sure they love their vaccinations. I didn't tell her that I used to have to cath kids all the time and I sincerely doubt I would be bothered by it. But anyway, they sent us home to try to get a sample, which was lovely as Cammie screamed every time we put her near the potty. Finally Tuesday morning we got her to pee a little. So anyway, she doesn't have a uti but she has a yeast infection. I'm glad that was settled. Tuesday night we went out after dinner to Toys R Us and got a few things (like a new potty). Today Cammie and I met Mollie and Brady at the library to watch a Curious George movie and then we had lunch at McDonalds. For some reason it is taking me forever to clean the house so I'm hoping I can get some stuff done this evening. I did knock out our grocery shopping on Monday so we have food! Joe has been cooking all week, it's been awesome!!

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