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Monday, December 26, 2011

I have not yet figured out how to put the pictures on from my new IPAD but I am slowly getting more familiar with it. We had an awesome Christmas this year, the best ever in my opinion. Joe woke Cammie and I up and she was so excited to see all her presents. Mom and Dad and the Great Uncles came over to open gifts and have breakfast with us which was lots of fun. Gary told the funniest story about a lady flying with her cat. We went to the Beadenkopfs after that and ate way too much. Cammie got even more gifts and Andrew made us a wall hanging out of a window frame that is perfect. We had a mini open house that evening and had a great time visiting with the Cellinis, Donna and Bill, Daniel and Kristen, Alice and Mike, Emily and Edd, Mike and Donna and Meaghan, Rick and Nathan. I was sure Cammie would crash when everyone left, she laid in bed and watched the winnie the pooh movie and then wanted to play so we were up til about one. So needless to say I did not do any shopping today. Joe and Cammie went out for a bit and I got some of her stuff put away. Trying to psych myself up to start a diet since I am totally disgusted by the scale numbers. Got lots of plans for the new year so we will be getting very organized and hopefully much healthier!

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