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Friday, December 9, 2011

Needing to feel some more magic.....

Is there an official term for needing a vacation after your vacation?  We have been crazy busy since we got back.  Cammie went back to school on Tuesday for Blue day.  Luckily I called Mollie before I left and we did a quick change from a pink sweatshirt into a blue mickey mouse one and Joe grabbed her blue ribbon from the horse show for show and tell.  The rest of the day passed in a flurry of unpacking and balancing the checkbook.  Sigh......  Wednesday we took Cammie for her speech evaluation and she did fine with that.  The therapist said she is age appropriate and gave us some exercises to do with L words.  Sadly she has a true blue Bawl-mer accent.  I passed my mammogram, YAY and got my bloodwork done.  Been thinking a lot about getting the spinal cord stimulator done.  It is supposed to relieve a lot of back pain which would be awesome.  Next time I go to pain management I am going to go for it I think.  They do a two week trial first which is nice so you can find out if it works or not.  Thursday Cammie went back to gymnastics and did well there.  She really likes it.  We hit Walmart afterwards and picked up some good deals there.  In the evening we dropped Cammie off at Donna's for a little while and intended to go to Home Depot in Eldersburg but somehow we ended up eating dinner at Chilis and then going to the Walmart there and found some more deals.  In between all the running around we have been getting the house decorated and we have more lights on Osbourne starter kit!  I am hoping to stock up on after Christmas sales.  We went to the dentist today and Cammie got a full check up and cleaning.  She did really well.  Our hygenist is super nice too!  We <3 you Heather!!  There may be the start of a cavity on one of her molars though so we need to keep an eye on that.  Just trying to get organized and clean some and get prepared for Christmas.  We keep reminding Cammie that Santa is watching her and got an idea today to change the ringtone for the house on my cell phone to a Christmas song and put a picture of Santa as the contact icon, so we have already had one call from him to find out if a certain someone was behaving herself.  Trying to get my coupons organized too, as we are both on a diet officially and I want to be thrifty with money and food!  Wish us luck!!

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