Life would be lovely if we hadn't all caught the plaugue. We have been passing it around since coming home from the Happiest/Germiest place on earth. Yesterday we all went to the doctors and I think Joe wins the award for the Sickest. I have a sinus infection, he's got a bunch of cooties and Cammie just has a virus. Last week I finally got to see my friend Missi when we went to gymnastics. We had been missing each other so we got to catch up while we watched Cammie and Morgan do their thang. Alice picked Cammie up that afternoon for a sleepover and Joe came home from work early because friday morning I had to have a procedure done at Montgomery General. They were super nice there. I got delayed about 20 minutes because the doctor had to deliver a baby before he could come downstairs but all in all it was an easy experience. We took it easy over the weekend and then Monday we had company, a friend from High School that I had not seen since well... HS Jennifer (Dewey) Robbins and her family came over. It was fun to catch up and her hubby Dan is a lab lover so of course the pups were in heaven since no one every pays any attention to them. Cammie loved playing with Lilly and Harrison and we all had a great visit. I just felt bad because I was feeling bad from the sinus deal so I know I wasn't my usual self but hopefully she will forgive me and we can visit again! Cammie went to school on Tuesday and a bunch of kids were out sick and they sent two home sick. So this crud is unavoidable. I am feeling better since starting the antibiotic. Today Joe had to work and Cammie and I went to my pain management appointment. She loves going to see Ms Anneliese! Got things started for the spinal cord stimulator so I just have to have a MRI and a psych eval (??) before my next appointment. Should be interesting!
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