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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Still trying to catch up...

So far my New Year's resolution to get more organized has been coming in dribs and drabs.  I feel like I am starting to finally get my head above water though.  I think once we come back from Orlando it will get better.  I have accomplished several things on my growing to do list so there's a good start!!  We have been kicking butt with the couponing.  I am hoping to start a facebook page about sharing coupons, I started one about Disney tips but I am still trying to figure out all the details to get it up and running.  I know it should not be as complicated as I am making it out to be! 
We went over to Matt and Jennifer's last Thursday and then went to Outback for dinner and it was so yummy.  I could eat their bread forever and then I got an oreo waffle dessert that was incredible.  Joe had to practically roll me home.  Blew off the diet big time that night!!  Dirty Banana plus bread plus baked potato soup plus dessert.....  All my weaknesses all rolled into one.   Friday was gorgeous out and Cammie and I went to the playground and she played for a while and then rode her scooter for a bit.  There were some bigger boys playing pretty rough and I think that put her off a bit.  Someone also left a dog tied to a tree and all the people who were there when we got there were gone before we left.  Joe had a dispatcher call me and they were going to let animal control know.  The dog was so sweet, should have just brought him home.  We are so in need of a farm so we can start our own rescue ranch!!  Saturday we went to an open house at the Reuhls.  Their new house is really nice and their neighborhood is very family oriented.  Leslie and Josh came to see Cammie on Sunday while they were out riding Dreamer and PawPaw.  Cammie was so excited and Leslie took her around a bit on Dreamer.  Hopefully she will be able to get some lessons in soon, she misses riding.  Leslie has been really busy though.  Cammie is back in the swing of things with school, they are working on their letters now and they are getting classroom jobs.  She loves the kids in her class and the teachers.  Monday I got so much stuff done while she was in school, I couldn't believe it.  Tuesday Joe was off and we took Brady to school as well.  Went to the Post Office and then we ran a couple of errands and went to lunch at Cobblestone Grill.  It was really yummy.  Tomorrow is 'nastics and then Friday I have an outpatient procedure at Montgomery General so Cammie is having a sleepover at Aunt Alice's Thursday night since I have to be there at six in the morning.  Apparently they did not get the message that I am not a morning person......  Wish me luck!!

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