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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hey! This isn't Clyde!!

Oh my gosh was it HOT today. I was going to take Cammie swimming this morning but I was trying to get some laundry and cleaning done and as the day got hotter I was sorry I didn't take her! and myself! It's really thundering outside now, no weather alerts have come across the TV though so it can't be that bad! Kristen came over today and stayed with Cammie so I could go and get some produce and stop at the deli. That was extremely helpful because my back is killing me. Cammie showed off her new walking skills! And whatever Kristen did, it got Cammie to finally take a nap after she left so THANK YOU!! Joe cooked some rockfish on the grill for dinner (I had chicken) and we had fresh corn and zucchini which was really yummy! Cammie loved the fish as well. It was good, I just am not a big fish fan. (Unless it's tuna or swordfish!) Not much else is going on, just trying to wear out the energizer bunny!

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