Joe got home this morning and none of us had slept well! Including him but he at least had the excuse of being at work! So we all took a mid morning nap including Cammie which was nice. Then we headed downtown for a meeting with our lawyer about the car accident. (P.S. The Garmin gps doesn't work so hot in the city) So Cammie got to meet Matt and Kim and Jean! She let Kim take her upstairs to meet some of the other people too and she crawled right over to Matt when he walked in the room. Such a charmer! Nothing really to update about the accident. Cammie slept all the way home and then we had an early (even for us since we skipped lunch) dinner of pizza, which, and I know this is a surprise, Cammie liked! After that Joe went out to cut the grass and I took Cammie down to the Brown's. She had fun playing with Ashley, Kristen and Cassidy and Cassidy's new kitten. She was laughing so hard when the kitten was running after a laser light, then she kept crawling after the kitten and sometimes she would pet it gently and sometimes she wasn't so gentle. We were laughing at her laughing at the kitten! Then we took her out to get on the trampoline and as soon as she saw the pool she started going YAY! but she got over it when she got in the trampoline. She bounced for a while with Cassidy and then with Kristen. Ashley and I watched, we also watched this huge beeish thing kill a cicada in the air and they landed on the ground and then the bee thing was trying to take off with the cicada and couldn't. When the bee flew up all of us screamed and scared Cammie who started crying. She got over it quickly when Ashley took her and dipped her toes in the pool, she sat on the edge and splashed her feet. We hung out and talked to Julie for a little while and then came home. Now I am hoping for her to wear herself out so I can lay down with her. I'm exhausted! Joe goes back to work tomorrow so I think he is trying to nap so he can rest up so he doesn't go to bed tired.
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