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Monday, August 24, 2009

I love my corn on the cob!

Today was really nice out! Not as humid and there was somewhat of a breeze and not a cloud in the sky! Cammie and I went to Mowbray Park to play in the afternoon and she met a little girl named Lilly. Cammie did really well, she held my hand and walked all the way over to the tunnel play area and then once we got in the fenced area she walked around there still holding one hand and over to the swings. I did go down the slide with her on the little kids play area cause no one else was around. I was glad because I got a giant wedgie too. I know everyone is completely thrilled to know that. The wild woman is still going strong on only about a 40 minute nap and she's been awake since about 615 this morning. YIKES! I tried bribing her to take a nap this afternoon because I was so tired and had a headache but apparently she doesn't want a pony or a car because I had no luck. I know she's tired now but she has zero interest in going to bed. I am very interested but as usual I'm sure I won't be able to fall asleep. UGH! I don't even know how to hide the dark circles under my eyes anymore.

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