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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kisses for Clyde!

I am so tired! Had another long night with Cammie last night but that is the rule rather than the exception I guess. She took about a twenty minute nap today and just fell asleep around nine. The guys came this morning to start our new siding which was kind of loud but they left around noon so it wasn't too bad. I won't be home tomorrow so I get a brief respite from it. Cammie played with Eva for a little while and then I had to go run a couple of errands. I was hoping to get the truck washed but the car wash is never open anymore it seems. The do it yourself bays are but I wasn't in the mood for that, I was looking to go through the we'll do it for you section. We were over by the pet store so I decided to take Cammie in there and she loved it. There was a cat running around when we walked in so she was very excited about that. Then she walked around looking and pointing at everything. She especially liked the fish and a little bunny, oh and the parakeets but I think that's just because they were making a lot of noise when she pointed at them. We went out to the bus stop to wait for Becca with Sharon and Ken and just as the bus was pulling up, Cammie tried to pants me which was lovely. She didn't succeed but it was still embarrassing. We had a good laugh about it.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who wants a big SMOOCH???

This is Cammie's kissy face and it is hard to resist! It's much better than the times that she will lick you when you go to kiss her. I think she has too much input from the dogs.... I swear they are still plotting against us!
So, it really feels like fall now! I woke up shivering this morning, of course all the windows were open with gale force winds blowing through them. It's been really windy, such a shame to not have wind turbines! Or at least a kite to fly! Cammie helped me do some stuff around the house today, or undo some stuff that I did. We made a trip to Kmart, I was too tired to go to Target and she liked pushing the cart around and saying HI and HEY to everyone who walked past us. I was hoping that would wear her out. I also found a battery charger for the camera, THANK GOODNESS. I am going through withdrawal I think, I haven't taken a picture of Cammie for about three days now. And you know she hasn't done anything cute in that time! Right.... Anyway, Happy Fall everyone, I'm in the mood to buy some pumpkins and go on a hay ride. (not shop for Christmas stuff yet!! The stores need to stop making it earlier and earlier every year! Next year we'll be buying Christmas things in June.) Have a great night!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Moonbouncing and lovin' it!

I forgot to warn everyone the other day... if Cammie goes through your purse or wallet, check your money and credit cards afterwards. Alice was missing her credit card after Cammie went through her purse on Thursday. When Alice came over Saturday she looked in the back seat of our truck and there it was!! So this is your warning!
Today was gorgeous out! I wish we had a kite though, Cammie and I went to Love Point Park and played there for a while and she ran around, then I took her to see the animals across from Rustico. It's only a few there and they were out of food, but she liked the goat, sheep, and chickens that came over to say hello. Of course she kept saying Duck. I guess I'll have to take her to the Crab Deck so she can see the ducks there! I did get a bunch of stuff done around the house today which was nice! Meaghan and Rick are taking Cammie on Sunday so I'm going to clean really well that day but I'm doing prep for it now!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Riding the Pony at Bay Day

Joe went to work OT today at the Sunday in the Country concert. Cammie and I were supposed go and visit him but we couldn't get our times synched up. She has been a wild woman all day today. If I said no once I said it a zillion times. She got out every toy she owns, threw the dvd player on the floor, dumped the trash, spilled the dogs water, peed on the floor and pooed in the tub. I'm exhausted. (Meaghan disregard the last sentence, she was lovely today!) It started out rainy today but actually turned pretty nice for the afternoon. We spent some time playing in the backyard. We did stomp some puddles earlier before they dried up. That was actually kind of fun. When we opened her sandbox to play in that there was a spider and 2 crickets in it. That did not make my day either. So anyway, I finally got the wild woman to sleep and hopefully she will stay that way if I can keep the dogs from barking. That's the only thing I hate about having the windows open, the dogs hear everything and bark, which makes me yell SHUT UP and defeats the whole purpose of the peace and quiet thing. I'm so ready for the Amazing Race to come on. I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cammie loves Pudge!!!

Today definitely seemed like fall! Alice came over this morning and we all went to Island Bay Day at the Chesapeake Bay Exploration Center in Grasonville. It wasn't what I was expecting but I'm not exactly sure what that was so I'll just leave it at that. They had bands and food and vendors and best of all... PONY RIDES!! They had a small horse for the bigger kids, a pony for the little kids and a little pony that was just running around. The little pony was so cute! He would just run and buck. Cammie liked the pony ride so much that she had a fit when Joe tried to get her off of it. She did manage to cheer up when we went around to the moonbounces. Joe got in with her, and they went through a maze moonbounce which looked really cool. There was also a giant slide but the bigger kids were hogging that and playing too rough so Joe I mean Cammie couldn't get on it. We got some pit beef for lunch and then headed back home. Joe managed to get the grass cut right before it started raining and then Donna, Bill, Meaghan and Rick all came over for dinner. We had shepherds pie which was really good, it was the first time I ever made it and I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. Meaghan made a yummy cake with pudding in it for dessert! Cammie had so much fun showing off for everyone and it was really funny when Rick picked her up and put her on his shoulders, she pulled her little dress over his head. Of course that is only funny and cute now... Anyway, it's still raining and has gotten rather chilly, I think all the excitement of the day wore out our little bunny because she fell asleep about as soon as we laid down. I hope it lasts a while! Joe has to work tomorrow but it's at the Sunday in the Country concert at Merriweather, so he'll have a rough day! Well it won't be as nice if it keeps raining though.

Friday, September 25, 2009

What's up my peeps?

Today was a loooong day! I woke up not feeling well. Actually I barely slept last night (which isn't unusual). But anyway, it was extra hard keeping up with Cammie but somehow I made it and she is sleeping now. Cassidy and her friend Morgan came over and played with her for a little while this evening. Now I'm going to take advantage of the lull and lie in bed I think. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I will wear shoes when I'm good and ready...

Cammie and I had a fun day today. After a busy morning of chasing her around the house, Alice came over and I fit a couple of errands in and a quick doctors appointment. Then we went to Tuckahoe Park to play there. It was really nice, there was only some old guy mowing the grass by the lake and the playground was made out of old tires. It was pretty cool. Cammie didn't like the slide too much, it was pretty quick. She did like walking around and climbing on stuff. After she was done playing, we walked down by the lake and saw some ducks and geese and some turtles sunning themselves. This evening Becca came over for a little bit while Ken and Sharon went to a meeting and Cammie enjoyed playing with her and showing off her things. After a little while though she started getting cranky so we laid in bed while Becca played on the computer. Just finished watching Survivor and it was disappointing. I can't believe these people are falling for that jack@$$ Russell and they voted off the cop.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Countdown to next vacay has begun!

Well not really but kinda sorta.... I am so glad we turned the AC back on last night. It got really humid. Really nothing exciting today, the chimney guys came and cleaned our chimney. One of those giant buzzards landed in our yard while I was out there with the dogs and scared the crap out of me. That was fun. I'm a little irritated though, we bought some stuff on the last day of Disney and had it shipped home and it still hasn't gotten here. For the price they charged, someone should have put it in a box, carried it on the plane, and sat with it on their lap. Well I may be exaggerating a tad but it was still expensive!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It got hot again today and now it looks like it is going to storm or at least rain! Poor Joe had to get up early and go back to work today. 8o( Cammie and I hung out with the puppies until around lunch time when Ashley got done with her classes! She came over and we went over the bridge and had lunch at Red Robin which was yummy and then we went to Best Buy so I could get a new vacuum. The dyson is still working but barely. It served its purpose for a long time! and through lots of dog hair! Not much going on this afternoon and evening, just relaxing!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our home away from home.....

The basement floor is finished!!!! Yay Joe! Just need to do some trim stuff and get our couch and then move all the crap back downstairs and we are ready to hibernate for the winter! Had a beautiful day today, it's so nice to have the windows open! Not a whole lot going on, Cammie is doing so much better walking, now it seems she walks more than crawls! She is quite proud of herself. Joe has to go back to work tomorrow. He took Clyde to the vet this morning for his 100K mile check up and everything looks good after his flying leap out a moving car. He just needs to lose a few lbs (Clyde that is...) but who doesn't? Getting ready to watch The Big Bang Theory. (Jim Parsons should have won that emmy!)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm ready for my pony Daddy!

Still trying to recover from vacation. I don't think I will ever not be tired! Joe is almost done with the basement floor and it looks awesome! I got some laundry done and some cleaning done, of course you can't tell! We went to Target and Lowes this morning in Easton to get a few things. Traffic was pretty heavy going west when we were heading home before lunch time. Just hanging out enjoying the nice evening. Cammie is asleep right now, she fell and bumped her head and nose on the bricks outside earlier. My poor little bunny! She let me put ice on it for a bit but it still looks terrible. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Snacking at Fort Wilderness

So we are ready to go back to Disney already. Hope November 30th comes soon!! We do have a trip to Vero Beach in October to hold us over. Joe got some more of the basement done today, the floor looks awesome. I got some stuff done too, I am trying to a really good fall cleaning but it's slow going. Also trying to get organized after vacation. Also trying to get some Labs adopted which takes much more time than I realize. Have errands to run tomorrow and then more stuff to do around the house!

Friday, September 18, 2009

We do NOT want to go home!!

Thursday morning was just as beautiful as the others! We got up early and caught the boat to the campground so we could go to breakfast. Cammie saw her new friend Miss Josephine and was excited that all the ladies were so happy to see her! We went back to the Wilderness Lodge after that and packed up our stuff. We tried walking the trail back to the campground after that but someone got cranky and right after we turned around to walk back to the lodge so we could get the boat over, finally fell asleep in the stroller. We grabbed a quick bite and just hung out enjoying the day and being in our favorite place! When Cammie woke up, (it was her that fell asleep in the stroller by the way) we headed back to the campground to play on the playground and pet the ponies. We watched the blacksmith work on one of the big horse's shoes. That was impressive! After a bit we went to hang out on the beach and wait for the boat. We were sitting at the tables where I had fed the ducks the other day and of course the ducks expect you to feed them every time. I reached down to get something out of my bag and there were two ducks on either side of it, just waiting.... then one stood on my foot, which I thought was kind of funny. By the time we made it back to the WL, it was just about time for us to be picked up to go to the airport. Boo! While we were waiting for our ride, a fire engine and ambulance pulled up out front so we took pics of them in true tourist fashion. We made it to the airport in good time and through security quicker than we ever have. Of course I was so proud of myself that I had gotten all of the things together on the belt for the xray machine and started to walk through and the guy said I had a cell phone in my pocket. I never put it there and was like CRAP! We were doing so well. We still did pretty good making it through the line. We had to wait about 45 minutes or so for our flight to board and it was full. And by full I mean that there was not one extra inch of space anywhere. We sat near the back and I was carrying Cammie and I told Joe I wanted to just freak some of the traveling businessmen out and ask if I could sit next to them. They all look at you the same way, as though inside their head they are praying... Please don't let the lady with the baby sit near me!!!!! We took off with no problems and we were flying past Jacksonville (according to the pilot) when the pilot announced that we were flying around some storms so we would have some turbulence (and we did), the flight attendants were doing the drink service and I began to smell something suspicious. Joe and I realized that we had a Code Brown on our hands and I lost the coin toss and would have to change her (actually there was no coin toss, Joe said he wasn't going to change her. ha ha) So we staggered to the front of the plane because there is no changing table in the back bathroom although I wouldn't call what they had in the front bathroom a changing table either. Somehow through the bouncing around I got her cleaned up and we made it back to our seats, nearly landing in the laps of at least three other passengers. Cammie stayed awake the entire flight and I smelled something gamey as we were coming in for a landing but it wasn't nearly as bad and I couldn't get up anyway so we waited until we got down to baggage claim. WHEW!! We got home to the puppies and Emily and everything seemed in good order! What an awesome vacation! Can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Riding the Magic Carpets!

We actually had to wake Cammie up from a two hour nap this afternoon. I'm a little nervous as to what the heck I'm going to do with her to entertain her after all this! It's a good thing we are coming back soon! We headed for EPCOT once Cammie and Joe got up. We met my Mom and Dad over there and we headed towards the Land Pavilion so we could get on Soaring. After that I risked my back and got on Test Track but it was worth it. I'm sore now but it was so much fun. We also saw a couple I would have sworn was Jon minus Kate, the woman was berating her husband very loudly. UGH.... We did some wandering around and went on the ride in the Mexico Pavilion and then headed for ice cream at the Fountain View Terrace. YUM. We made it back to the room and now I think I am ready to crash now. We are headed for Trails End first thing in the morning. Going to do as much as possible to enjoy our last vacay day! Cammie has had so much fun, her eyes have been so wide and her head just swivels all around and she points at everything!

A smooch for the bear!

I'm sure I'll have more pics later but I wanted to write while Joe and Cammie were taking a nap. Cammie has been out cold for at least an hour and is showing no signs of stirring! We got up this morning and got to Animal Kingdom just as it was opening, we headed straight for the Safari ride but it seemed tons of other people had the same idea so we got a fast pass which was for 930 and it was like 905 by the time we got back there. We walked through the exploration trail and saw the gorillas and meerkats and by the time we got done it was time for our Safari! Cammie had so much fun, her finger was pointing everywhere, we saw so many animals out! Giraffes, elephants, rhinos, lions, cheetahs, ostriches (sp?), ostrich eggs, hippos, crocs, whew!! It was so much fun! We headed out after that since it was already getting HOT and it seemed like more and more people were swarming in. Back to the WL for lunch and a swim in the lodge pool which was awesome too! Cammie was thrilled to pieces when the ducks that always sit under the tables got in the pool and swam around. It was really cute, although one did scare us because it was swimming under water and we didn't see it until it popped up about a foot from us. We also saw the geyser go off for the first time, which is weird. It's been a beautiful day and we plan on going to EPCOT this evening and doing some exploring there. Oh, we also saw Miss DeVine when we were walking out of Animal Kingdom and that was really cool too!! Stay tuned, the day isn't over yet!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Animal Kingdom

The days just keep getting better and better. Usual Florida weather going on, hot and humid! We got up earlier than we thought we would this morning, got ready and headed for the AK. It wasn't too crowded when we arrived and we just kind of wandered around looking the animals, we ended up at Camp Mickey Minnie and it was awesome, there were only a couple of people back there and we got to hang out with Donald, Chip and Dale, Pochahontas, Minnie, Goofy and the bears from the Jungle Book. Cammie did really well with the characters and seemed to like being around them, we were hoping to not traumatize her! She even gave kisses to the bears which was so freakin' cute! We grabbed a quick breakfast at Pizzafari and then met Mom and Dad. Cammie was getting fussy because it was getting really hot there and there isn't alot of places with AC and it gets stuffy. We were hoping to ride the safari but Cammie had other ideas. I finally got her to go to sleep in the Baby Care Center. I pretended I had to nurse her so I could use the private room with the cushy rocking chair and she was asleep in less than five minutes. She slept in the shade for a bit while Joe and I shared an ice cream cone. We headed back to the room and decided to go for a swim. That was wonderful! After a dip Cammie was ready for another nap. When she woke up, it was back to the Magic Kingdom for a bit, we had to leave early because there is a Halloween Party there tonight. We got on the Jungle Cruise, the Flying Carpets, the carousel, Snow White, Pooh and we took turns getting on the Haunted Mansion. It started raining so we headed for the monorail and went over to the Contemporary to grab a bite then it was back on the boat to come back home! Going to head back over to the Animal Kingdom first thing in the am, to get on the safari before the crowds pack in! We don't want to come home!!!

Monday in Disney!!

I hope I don't forget anything about today! It started early, we got up around 330 because we were so excited about leaving for WDW. However, even though we got up early somehow we managed to get to BWI and get our bags checked, make it through security and walked right on the plane and it left about 15 minutes later. Whew... don't think we have EVER cut it that close. It's a b*tch carrying the car seat on the plane too! I think I may have knocked more than a couple people in the head. So.. Cammie's first plane ride!!! She was a champ! I had prescription ear drops for her that we used and she sat in her seat and played and colored and snacked and finally fell asleep about ten minutes before we landed. By the way, we landed about 20 minutes early which was awesome. Our usual driver couldn't pick us up so we didn't know the lady who was waiting for us but she was very nice! A quick stop at the grocery store and we were Wilderness Lodge bound! It was a beautiful HOT sunny (and humid of course) day in Orlando. Our room was ready when we arrived and we caught up with my Mom and Dad. We dropped our things off and headed for Fort Wilderness to lunch at Trails End. Just one word to describe that... YUM! We walked over to the horses after lunch and tried to get Cammie a pony ride but she was too young so she could only sit on the pony, which was still very cute. We went over to the stables and looked at the BIG horses and got some great pics of them sticking their heads out to say hi to us. They were HUGE! As we headed back to the room we stopped to feed some ducks which Cammie really liked. After a nap, we met up with Mom and Dad at the Contemporary and checked out the new DVC joint over there (very nice!). Then it was off to the Magic Kingdom. We walked in just in time to catch the end of the Celebration Parade, so Cammie's eyes were as big as saucers and she didn't know what to look at first. We were able to walk right on the Buzz Lightyear ride, lots of activity and bright colors! We also got on the Winnie the Pooh ride and It's a Small World (that's mandatory). While we were in line for the Pooh ride, we couldn't believe it when we saw someone pull out a portable potty trainer and set their kid on it. Come on! Really?? You can't get out of line (it wasn't that long) and take your kid to the bathroom? I would be mortified to do that to my child. After all that fun, we headed back to the room for a bedtime snack and Cammie had NO problem falling asleep! So much fun!!! With lots more to come!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Is there something I can help you with?

Had a very good day today and got lots of stuff done! Did a little cleaning but saving the overhaul for post vacay! Joe cut the grass. We also went to Brody O'Neill's 3rd birthday party which was very nice! Cammie had a good time and the cake was YUMMY! Jennifer had a build a bear activity with unicorns which was really cool! Cammie didn't let me finish hers so Brooke said she would do it for her, this other little boy showed Cammie how to use cymbals and it was so cute! After that we had to run up to the outlets to get a new pair of tennis shoes for Joe and then we headed home to wait by the phone for Uncle Gary to call us! Emily arrived to begin her week of beast sitting for us. So when Gary got close we met him at Rams Head for dinner and had a really nice time and really good food! I finally got Cammie asleep, Joe is asleep and so are the dogs. I think Emily and I are the only ones awake! We are leaving by 5 to go to the airport and then til Thursday my blogging will done from the Happiest Place on Earth! I'm very excited about taking Cammie there for the first time! My Mom and Dad are already down there waiting for us! Cross your fingers that Cammie's first plane ride goes well! Look out Mickey, here we come!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chillin' on Clyde

Busy day today! Alice came over this morning to help with the yard sale and we got everything out and set up by 730 I guess. We had a pretty good turnout, I did expect more people to show up but it was overcast most of the morning. We packed everything up by noon and tried leaving it out to freecycle but Sharon couldn't get the website to post the ad so we are going to take it to the thrift shop. There really wasn't a lot left. Now comes the job of cleaning the house. The big clean will have to wait until we come back from Disney though. I'm going to do a few things tomorrow but we have to run up to the outlets to get a pair of shoes for Joe and then are going to a birthday party and then Uncle Gary is supposed to meet us for dinner on his way home from the beach. AND I have to pack!! This evening Joe and I just hung out and played Wii for a bit. Now everyone is asleep but me as usual.... Hope everyone is having a fun weekend!

Friday, September 11, 2009

What a rainy gross day today!

It rained really hard all day today, so I'm hoping that it will all be over tonight so that our yard sale will be rain free in the morning! Jen ONeill brought a ton of stuff over today to sell and Alice is bringing stuff in the morning. Cammie thought it was Christmas and her birthday all rolled into the bags Jen left. I think she inspected and played with everything. Brooke also came the second time so Cammie got to play with her for a little bit and really enjoyed that. We also had Control come and service our heat/ac, Garnie said everything looked good! Joe went and got our meat when he got off work today and he dropped Meaghan and Rick's off on the way home, then got stuck in a ten mile back up on the bridge. UGH. I'm hoping that with the yard sale tomorrow, the cleaning I want and need to do, a birthday party on Sunday and a visit from Uncle Gary that the weekend will fly by and at 7 am on Monday morning we will be on a plane headed for Disney. We are very excited!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

So silly!!!

Cammie and I had a good day today! Alice came over this morning and we had lunch and then headed for the playground at Love Point Park. I've wanted to take Cammie there before but every time I've thought of it, it's been hot out and there is no shade around this one. Anyway, Cammie had lots of fun climbing all over the place and sliding down the slides. She also got on the seesaw and swung for a bit. After all that we took a short walk on the trail. Cammie was sporting her new shoes and she did good walking in them. We are trying to get her used to them before DISNEY. I ran a couple of errands and we all went to the grocery store for a few things and then came home and hung out. Alice helped me sort out stuff for the yard sale and price some things. I will be so glad when that is over. When I get all the crap out of our house then I'm going to clean like crazy! But the good news is, the attic is free from extra junk that we don't need. All that is up there now is holiday stuff and a few things that we are going to put back in the basement when it's done. YAY!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ashley's Pic from the Playground

Credit for this photo goes to Ashley! I think it's a tie between her and Meaghan as to who wore Cammie out the most! The best part for Cammie is that they both have CATS!! Today we met Mollie and Brady at the mall and had fun hanging out with them. We cruised around a little bit, had some lunch and then Cammie and Brady had fun playing on the little play area they have there. We did leave when a little girl with either TB or Swine Flu came in and started coughing. Of course she wanted to play with Cammie, we kind of grabbed the kids and ran from her. Hope it doesn't scar her for life. hee hee. This evening I didn't feel too great so we've just been hanging out watching TV. So You Think You Can Dance started again tonight so I am laying in bed watching it and trying not to wake Joe up when I laugh at some of the people who shouldn't think they can dance. One day closer to DISNEY!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Do I look guilty or surprised??? or both?.....

I know! It's been a few days and I'm sorry! I put extra pics up on the side to try and make up for it! Cammie has had a rough few days with her teeth and I've been tired and blah from her being upset and miserable. We had a pretty good weekend considering all of that, went to a party at the Browns which was lots of fun and a get together at Patrick and Olivia's, also fun. Joe got half the basement floor down (not so much fun but it looks good!). Also not so fun for Joe was yesterday when he was taking the dogs to the dog park. As he was driving past Love Point Park, Clyde (of course... ) saw Jen Rommel riding her bike and decided it would be nice to say hi, so he lowered the window and leaped/leapt (?) out. Joe heard him hit the side of the car and then saw him rolling across the road in the mirror. Against all odds (and our luck) he seems fine. Jen is a vet and Clyde wouldn't let her look him over but he played at the dog park and he did limp a little last night but today he was fine. No road rash, nothing...
Today Cammie had a great day with Ashley. I got to go get my nails done and my hair cut! Ashley took Cammie to the park and back to her house where she got to play with the cats and hang out! I was very happy that it all went well. AND Cammie has been asleep since about 630. I know it won't last all night but still!
We are on the official countdown for Disney! Leaving next Monday morning! I promise I'll be back on my regular schedule and everyone will get their Cammie pics!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Too cute!

Joe was off again today so he got the flooring started in the basement. It's looking really good! I spent a while sorting through stuff for the yard sale. I really can't wait until it is over! I hope we make at least a zillion dollars! This evening we rode up to the outlets since we are both looking for tennis shoes. I found a pair I liked and got them, also got two pairs of cargo shorts for Joe in Timberland for 10 bucks. Not a bad bargain. We didn't go in very may stores, then we picked up a pizza on the way home and now we've called it a night. I watched some of the movie House Bunny today and it was pretty funny at times. I have Twilight from Netflix which I can't wait. Now I'm getting sleepy, have to go lay down while the mood is right! Have a happy and safe weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Having so much fun at Meaghans!!

This picture is awesome!!! I poached it from Meaghan's facebook page, it's from Cammie's day with her yesterday. She got to hang out and play (or terrorize depending on whose point of view) Meaghan's cats, and she got to go out to dinner with Meaghan, Emily, Alice and Mike. Apparently she picked up the waiter at Chilis. Sigh... Joe and I tried our best to entertain her today, we went to the Annapolis Mall and then to Red Robin for lunch. We've been hanging out enjoying the nice day! I told Cammie to rest up, we have lots of socializing (partying) to do this weekend, then next week we'll be gearing up to go to Disney world!!! Joe and I are very excited.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Still very silly....

My friend Raina took this picture last month when we went to lunch with Cammie and Beth. Cammie has very hammie as usual!! We were going to go to the State Fair with Meaghan today but I didn't feel very well when I got up this morning so Meaghan came and picked up Cammie and took her for the day, and actually hasn't brought her back yet. So that could either be really good or really bad. Hmmmm. I got a ton of cleaning done today and then when Joe got home we went to dinner at Crab Deck and saw Kristen who was working. She is now mad at us because we didn't bring Cammie. :o) I know she really still loves us!!! We had a yummy dinner on a gorgeous evening topped off with Ritas. Now we are just waiting for the Chunkapotamus to come home! I have so much stuff for the yard sale and still haven't finished going through everything yet!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So silly!!!!

I still don't have anything exciting to tell anyone. Just been doing alot of sorting through stuff for the upcoming yard sale. Can't wait to get rid of all the excess stuff! Cammie has been "helping" too. As soon as I organize something, she comes behind me, inspects it and unorganizes whatever I have just done. It's cute but only a couple of times. It's been so nice out we have the house opened up. Loving the fresh air! Hope all is well with everyone!

Looking for a Lab?
