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Monday, September 28, 2009

Moonbouncing and lovin' it!

I forgot to warn everyone the other day... if Cammie goes through your purse or wallet, check your money and credit cards afterwards. Alice was missing her credit card after Cammie went through her purse on Thursday. When Alice came over Saturday she looked in the back seat of our truck and there it was!! So this is your warning!
Today was gorgeous out! I wish we had a kite though, Cammie and I went to Love Point Park and played there for a while and she ran around, then I took her to see the animals across from Rustico. It's only a few there and they were out of food, but she liked the goat, sheep, and chickens that came over to say hello. Of course she kept saying Duck. I guess I'll have to take her to the Crab Deck so she can see the ducks there! I did get a bunch of stuff done around the house today which was nice! Meaghan and Rick are taking Cammie on Sunday so I'm going to clean really well that day but I'm doing prep for it now!

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