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Friday, September 4, 2009

Too cute!

Joe was off again today so he got the flooring started in the basement. It's looking really good! I spent a while sorting through stuff for the yard sale. I really can't wait until it is over! I hope we make at least a zillion dollars! This evening we rode up to the outlets since we are both looking for tennis shoes. I found a pair I liked and got them, also got two pairs of cargo shorts for Joe in Timberland for 10 bucks. Not a bad bargain. We didn't go in very may stores, then we picked up a pizza on the way home and now we've called it a night. I watched some of the movie House Bunny today and it was pretty funny at times. I have Twilight from Netflix which I can't wait. Now I'm getting sleepy, have to go lay down while the mood is right! Have a happy and safe weekend!

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