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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cammie loves Pudge!!!

Today definitely seemed like fall! Alice came over this morning and we all went to Island Bay Day at the Chesapeake Bay Exploration Center in Grasonville. It wasn't what I was expecting but I'm not exactly sure what that was so I'll just leave it at that. They had bands and food and vendors and best of all... PONY RIDES!! They had a small horse for the bigger kids, a pony for the little kids and a little pony that was just running around. The little pony was so cute! He would just run and buck. Cammie liked the pony ride so much that she had a fit when Joe tried to get her off of it. She did manage to cheer up when we went around to the moonbounces. Joe got in with her, and they went through a maze moonbounce which looked really cool. There was also a giant slide but the bigger kids were hogging that and playing too rough so Joe I mean Cammie couldn't get on it. We got some pit beef for lunch and then headed back home. Joe managed to get the grass cut right before it started raining and then Donna, Bill, Meaghan and Rick all came over for dinner. We had shepherds pie which was really good, it was the first time I ever made it and I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. Meaghan made a yummy cake with pudding in it for dessert! Cammie had so much fun showing off for everyone and it was really funny when Rick picked her up and put her on his shoulders, she pulled her little dress over his head. Of course that is only funny and cute now... Anyway, it's still raining and has gotten rather chilly, I think all the excitement of the day wore out our little bunny because she fell asleep about as soon as we laid down. I hope it lasts a while! Joe has to work tomorrow but it's at the Sunday in the Country concert at Merriweather, so he'll have a rough day! Well it won't be as nice if it keeps raining though.

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